A Message from Shushanna Shakur, Chokwe Lumumbas - TopicsExpress


A Message from Shushanna Shakur, Chokwe Lumumbas Sister: Brothers and Sisters of Detroit this status is for You. Sadly I announce to You that Chokwe Antar did not prevail in his pursuit to complete his Fathers Mayoral Term. Unfortunately, Jacksonians were bamboozled and hoodwinked by propaganda and strategic manipulation of his opponent Tony Yarbers Campaign. So Mr. Tony Yarber will be completing Chokwe Antars Fathers term and working with the advantages of the 1% tax millage acquired through his Fathers efforts. Mr. Yarber played out of a dirty political handbook and convinced Voters of untruths: Chokwe Antar is not Christian....Chokwe Antar is bringing Detroiters into the City of Jackson to takeover and bankrupt Jackson like they had done in their own City...Chokwe Antar does not have the experience necessary to run the City of Jackson. A few days prior to the election a negative commercial was aired against Tony Yarber by a group identified as Citizens for Decency and Mr. Yarbers People accused Chokwe Antars Campaign of airing it. In the late hours prior to the Election someone not working on Chokwe Antars Campaign acknowledged releasing the Commercial. Unfortunately the damage was done and Mr. Yarber benefited with sympathy votes and support. I wonder how much did Mr. Yarbers Campaign know about this commercial before it was aired. Also, Mr. Yarber was unable to adequately address a crucial question Chokwe Antar posed to him in their last debate. If you are earning $25,000 per year, how are you able to make a personal $20,000 donation and pay yourself $800 per week during your campaign? Mr. Yarber responded Some of us are not fortunate enough to have People from Detroit and across the country pay for their campaign. I get my money from everyday people in Jackson like my aunt. Chokwe Antar responded I dont know any every day people in Jackson or anywhere else in the country able to afford a $20,000 campaign contribution. ... Bottom line Detroit...Jackson was deceived by trickery and deceit just like we were in Our last Mayoral Election. I pray that I am wrong about Mr. Yarber for Jacksons sake, but I see takeover written all over his Mayoral reign. Anyway Detroit we have been good enough to go to Jackson Mississippi and elsewhere in the south throughout our Civil Rights Struggle to help them secure their right to vote and assist in their struggles, then this time should not be any different, and who better than Detroit a city whom has lost everything (temporarily) to the greedy rich and corrupt Right wing Politicians can help Jackson avoid a similar fate. Also while Chokwe Antar had supporters travel from Chicago, Memphis, Atlanta and other areas, Mr. Yarber had People travel from Chicago, Atalanta and other areas to assist him...Well Detroit we should not feel defeated and nor should the Jacksonians that want the right thing for their City...Chokwe Antar fought a clean, hard Campaign on the back of his Father...and like any loving Son he fought to preserve his Fathers Legacy and continue his Fathers work...He vowed in his concession speech to continue the mission of the People and he will continue his Fathers work. It was not a Victory this time...but Our Father God will determine the time and date when that Victory will occur...I ask that We all please continue to support Jackson, Chokwe Antar and his struggle for Our People until that time and date occurs....Asante Sana Detroit for all that You have done...Our struggle continues in Detroit, Jackson and throughout this Country...We will be Victorious...Free the Land!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 02:08:17 +0000

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