A Miracle Is Born -- By: Dory Bola says, “It was a long ultra - TopicsExpress


A Miracle Is Born -- By: Dory Bola says, “It was a long ultra sound. They just looked and they stared. So that kind of made a red flag. ‘What’s the matter?’” Funsho and Bola came to the doctor’s appointment excited to see the image of their second baby. They never imagined the ultra sound would reveal alarming news. Bola shares what she was told, “’Do you see that opening? Look at her head. All the bones are not fused together.’” The two openings in the skull were just the beginning of bad news. Bola continues, “’There’s a hole in the heart because there’s two outlets that this blood is running through and it should only be one.’” And the final blow? The ultra sound showed the baby’s spine was curved. Funsho says, “I was telling myself, ‘No. We’re Christians. I’m a pastor. This is not supposed to happen to me.’” Knowing their child faced multiple health problems, the couple put their faith in God that their baby would be born healthy. Bola says, “Just hanging onto God, telling Him that ‘You can’t disappoint us’ and ‘All our eggs are going to be in Your basket. We have nothing else.’” Funsho adds, “I had a choice to make. I’m going to believe God. That God is going to turn this around for his glory.” But to complicate matters, Miracle came 3 months early, weighing only 1 pound 7 ounces. A team of specialists quickly went to work to save Miracle’s life. Funsho says, “I was picturing the Lord’s hand working with the doctors, guiding them and just watching over her.” Bola adds, “She was barely bigger than a £10 note. She was that tiny. I told my husband, ‘Is she breathing?’ He said ‘Yes.’ I said, ‘Is she okay?’ He’s like, ‘I don’t know, but she’s really tiny.’” Miracle’s prognosis was bleak. She had difficulty breathing and had a hole in her heart. Her skull was not fused, a condition known as encephalocele and her spine was curved. The attending physician, Dr Harold Burkhart says, “Along with her spinal issues. Probably realistically the chances of getting through all that were I would say less than 10 percent.” As days turned to weeks, the doctors said that even if Miracle lived, she faced several serious health problems. Bola says, “Each day when we went to visit with Miracle, there’s a doctor saying, ‘I’m not sure how much she’ll be able to do. I’m not sure how much she’d be able – how upright she’ll be able to stand.’ They even questioned mental retardation.” Funsho and Bola refused to believe the doctors’ reports. Bola says, “I know of another Doctor that has never lost a case, His name is Jesus Christ. So when they came with their negative reports we never said anything. We just listened to them because underneath our breath we kept saying, ‘I will believe the report of the Lord.’ I would just talk to her, ‘Honey, I’m fighting and daddy’s fighting. But I need you to fight, because this is a battle we can all win. Just hang in there. Just hang in just a little closer. We’ll get there. We’ll get there.’” Funsho and Bola continued to pray for Miracle every day and so did their friends and family. Funsho says, “People that we asked to pray for Miracle, we knew that they were praying people. We were not looking for somebody that would pity us and say, ‘Oh, don’t worry, God will give you another one.’ We know God would give us another one, but we want this one to live.” One ounce at a time, Miracle got stronger. Bola says, “The turning point for us - for me - was when the tubes started coming off, when they were able to wean her off the ventilator, then they took out her feeding tube and she had started gaining weight. And I think the most exciting day that turned this whole house upside down was when they called and said, ‘You can bring clothes for Miracle. She can wear clothes now.’” Four months later, Miracle went home. Over the next several months she had two surgeries; one to fix the hole in her heart and one to fuse the skull properly. And her curved spine straightened on its own. Dr. Burkhart comments, “You do think in the back of your mind they were right in their strong beliefs and that surely had something to do with it as well.” The little girl who wasn’t supposed to live a normal life, is a healthy six year-old. Funsho adds, “It was just pure joy; watching her do what other kids do, watching her do what the doctors said she probably won’t be able to do. It was beautiful to watch.” Bola says, “One of the doctors said it best. He said, ‘Wow! You know, that name Miracle, it’s really working for her. She is a miracle.’ And we just say, ‘We serve a miracle-working God.’”
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 10:21:55 +0000

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