A Modern Chanukah Miracle: Pure Olive Oil for the First Time in - TopicsExpress


A Modern Chanukah Miracle: Pure Olive Oil for the First Time in 2,000 Years A short time ago, we reported on a historic development towards the renewal of Temple service in our time: the production of vessels according to the laws of Biblical purity, to hold oil that will be used to kindle the seven-branched golden menorah in the Holy Temple when it is rebuilt. This past week, the Temple Institute made history once again, and took another huge step towards the rebuilding of the Holy Temple: the production of pure olive oil, according to the standards of Biblical purity…for the Holy Temple menorah. Rabbis and staff of the Temple Institute, including Rabbi Azariah Ariel, head of the Institutes Research Institute, Director David Schwartz, Natanel Kahana, and Director of the International Department, Rabbi Chaim Richman, traveled to Moshav Ramot in the beautiful Golan Heights. There, together with Einat Ziv of the Women for the Holy Temple group and Professor Hillel Weiss of Bar Ilan University, they harvested approximately 150 kilograms of organic olives from trees that had not been treated with fertilizer, as in accordance with the Torahs laws of purity. They transported the fruit to the city of Katzrin, to the Olea Essence Golan Heights Olive Press Center. At the Center they were welcomed by Manager Avner Talmon and Deputy Manager Ariel Elkayam, and assisted by Amit and Alex. At the olive press center, Rabbi Azariah and the Temple Institute staff made all the necessary preparations and special arrangements so that the factory environment, the individuals involved, and all that related to the production of the olive oil would comply with Biblical standards. These rules of purity are a complex and highly specialized area of study which very few have mastered in our time. Some have even thought that the concept of Biblical purity is too difficult to reintroduce in our time…that such a thing would have to be a miracle. But it is the job of man to make miracles happen…just as the story of the Chanukah victory of good over evil teaches us. Now, with the production of pure olive oil for the first time in 2,000 years, specifically created for the Holy Temple menorah, we have moved closer towards making the rebuilding of the Holy Temple a reality in our time. A true, modern-day Chanukah miracle! With G-ds help, on the evening of the seventh light of Chanukah, Kislev 30 (Rosh Chodesh Tevet I), Monday night December22, a gala public celebration and procession will be held in Jerusalems Old City, accompanied by kohanim in their priestly garments, and prominent community leaders. The celebration will culminate with the placement of these pure vessels and oil in the Temple Institute…ready to be used in the rebuilt Holy Temple! More details about this gala event will follow soon.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:55:29 +0000

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