A Moment in Time in Yesteryear “The Ice-cream Vendor” At - TopicsExpress


A Moment in Time in Yesteryear “The Ice-cream Vendor” At the tender age of 4yrs I recall an interesting moment with warmth and love today, that’s if my memory serves me correct. It was all brought along when my grandson stared wide eyed at my, at the sound of a familiar bell. Sometime in 1961 my dad rubbed his hand affectionately over my head as he negotiated his way passed me in our footpath leading towards the front gate. It was his daily routine and familiar one to me, him his way to work which was at the time in the printing industry. It was just before noon and thinking back now it must have been his nightshift week. I waved and watched him disappear around the corner of our street which was in Crawford at that time. The group areas act I believe was already hanging heavy over the heads of my parents, unbeknown to me at the time of cause. Then as soon as he disappeared out of sight and before I could resume playing, I heard the bell of an ice-cream vendor in a distant. My little mind was suddenly filled with excitement as I rushed inside to fetch my mom, and led her outside so that she could also hear what I heard. Disappointingly she informed me that she did not have money on her to buy me an ice-cream. Still hearing the sound of that bell did not lift the disappointing heavy weight from my little heart. I tried my best to resume my playing, but it became unbearable as the ringing of the bell drew nearer. My salivating thoughts of that ice-cream shifted my happy mood into its lowest gear, and the tears started to form. At that point in time the vendor was right in front of our gate, ringing his damn bell mercilessly, and my vision went completely blur from the tears rolling freely. In between the tears I was hoping my mother was going to have a change of heart. Realising that she was not going to budge I stared towards to gate and could just about make out the figure of the ice-cream vendor in his white jacket. My heart skipped a beat when I realised he was coming towards our gate, and he was holding two ice-creams in his hand. My mother tried to wave him away, but then he said, “it’s okay madam your husband already paid for the ice-cream.” We sat in silence eating our ice creams with my mom sharing hers with my little sister Jenny on her arm. I thought of that moment this week when I stopped the ice-cream vendor for my grandson, and my son stepped in to buy him an ice-cream. As parents it is our duty to leave our children with these memorable moments, which can help in forming the corner stones of their foundations, and serve as positive reflections of their past. Have a kickass week and take no prisoners and nothing for granted.:)
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 17:17:32 +0000

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