A More Hopeful Outlook I was speaking with one of my nieces the - TopicsExpress


A More Hopeful Outlook I was speaking with one of my nieces the other day and she said that she hoped that after she passed she would have a chance to see her sons and husband again. I explained to her that we see one another over and over again and that feelings of Deja Vu are mostly due to our familiarity with the same entities in similar circumstances in other lives. The thought gave her hope and actually brought tears to her eyes. I have to point out that all around the world there are Christians who blindly accept Christ as their Lord and Savior and they still die and they still starve. They are taught that all we have to do is accept Jesus as our lord and savior and things will get better. These people are not helped by their faith. Muslims around the World depend on Allah to protect them but they are not helped either. They still die, they still starve, they are still persecuted. The ministers, Priests and Holy Men tell them they are suffering because they lack faith or they are being tested and that things will get better if they continue to tithe and pray and believe. Some of the Holy men are actually sincere - many are merely brainwashed and some are truly liars who dont believe a word coming out of their own mouths. What I challenge you with is this. You have all prayed for help at one time or another but only 1% of the worlds population is wealthy. Huge numbers of people are starving and dying of disease and violence. Why? Well, most of the problem stems from our being told that well get our reward in heaven or the belief that God will come and destroy the world and save those of us who are worthy by transporting them to heaven so we neednt fear destroying our world because all of the suffering is part of Gods plan. Look around you and notice something, if you will. Where have things gotten better for humanity? Its where humanity has taken a direct hand and resolved to make things better and has acted to accomplish that. Prayer has never made things better. Angels have not come in fiery chariots to remove all of the evil doers. People have decided to remove the evil doers and to correct the wrongs around them. God (the Universe) has given us everything we need to succeed as a species and in the form of our consciences we all have Gods instructions for living within us. We need no 10 commandments. All of the necessary commandments are within us, are a fundamental part of our make up. Do no harm. Uplift one another wherever possible. Preserve your world and cherish the processes going on which sustain life. Understand your world as deeply as you can. Use every possible means to understand the processes which sustain you and protect them. Do nothing to another which you would not wish done to you. Preserve your species and Love and cherish Life in general. How can we, as human beings, learn all there is to know in one life? While we can and should make full use of accumulated anecdotal experiences from our fellows in order to comprehend our purpose as one entity and our collective purpose as one species, we cannot totally understand all aspects of existence unless we have experienced them ourselves. That is why reincarnation makes sense. To live one life, short or long and then dwell eternally in heaven or hell because of having lived that life well or poorly accomplishes nothing towards our spiritual development and makes no sense if we consider that we live in a Universe of infinite possibilities designed by a logical super entity which contains over 350 billion galaxies many of which are larger than our own. What makes sense is that we are part of it all. We are not just of Earth. We are citizens of the Universe. God is not a super entity dwelling in the Universe. God is the Universe and so much more complex than the insane, petty and jealous entity described in holy books as to have no connection to it at all. Hope should be part of all of our outlooks because with this knowledge we KNOW THINGS WILL GET BETTER AS WE LEARN MORE. Infinite potential, infinite possibilities - these are what we all have but this knowledge (The Truth) will set us all free and the selfish, jealous and greedy powers that be want us to never understand this fact because persons who are full of hope and are resisting their fear are difficult to control. I hope at this time of year, I can provide at least some of you with hope and freedom from fear. I wish you all good fortune and success for the holiday season and into the New Year. Be well my friends.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 23:06:46 +0000

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