A Most Memorable Christmas I remember well that Christmas in - TopicsExpress


A Most Memorable Christmas I remember well that Christmas in 1957. My Dad had been a long distance truck driver in 1956 and was often gone from home for long periods of time. My younger sister, Judy, was only two at the time and on one occasion when my Dad returned from a trip, she didnt recognize him and cried when he attempted to hold her. It was more than my Dads sensitive heart could take and he purposed to find a job where he could be home. Nothing was available in our area of Mississippi, so we moved to Lewisville, Texas where his first cousin, Johnnie Cook, lived. There he found employment and we moved into a rental house at 245 Conner Plaza. Haroldeen Dee Robertson-Branch, was a neighbor and became friends with my sister, Sam N Sue Walsh. Another neighbor was Ricky Walls. Earnest Heaths Grandparents lived just around the corner, and Walt Garrison lived at the end of the street. Things went well for about one month and disaster struck. The company my Dad worked for went out on strike, and over the course of the next couple of months we lost everything. Dad let the car go back, even as he sold everything that wasnt tied down in the house. I was able to get a paper route, and believe me, that 10-15 dollars I made each week came in handy. As Christmas approached, we all knew that there was absolutely no money for gifts, just keeping heat, lights, and water going was a great challenge. Then God stirred the hearts of Mr and Mrs Sam Porter. They were the parents of Johnnie Cooks wife. He worked at what I think was Cabells 7-Eleven on Mill Street, there in Lewisville. Mr & Mrs Porter came to our house on Christmas Eve and brought gifts for all three of us, children. I have enjoyed many wonderful and memorable Christmas experiences, but the loving and giving spirit exhibited by the Porters during that season remains a defining moment in my life. I pray your Christmas this year was filled with the spirit of giving, and that the coming year will be one where you become a blessing to many others.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 13:29:39 +0000

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