A Mystery wrapped around an enigma, surrounded by a - TopicsExpress


A Mystery wrapped around an enigma, surrounded by a Conspiracy: Yesterday, investigative journalist Chris Bollyn made a startling discovery: According to reports from plane-spotters, Israel has an identical Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 in storage in Tel Aviv since November 2013. The only visible difference between the missing plane and the one in Tel Aviv would be its serial number. What do the Israelis have planned with the twin Malaysia Airlines plane?By using the twin aircraft they have in storage, the terror masterminds may have a sinister plan for the missing plane to seemingly reappear in a false-flag atrocity. presstv.ir/detail/2014/03/28/356298/us-on-nuclear-false-flag-high-alert/ Here is what Michael Rivero of WhatReallyHappened speculates may be going on: Let me toss out a possible scenario here, one that fits all of the available information. 1. Israel either electronically hijacks Flight MH370, or bribes the pilot to fly the plane off course and wander around being picked up by military radar and seen by witnesses on the ground to make it obvious the plane was diverted and not the victim of a simple crash. 2. Then the real flight 370 is hidden or ditched someplace (like the South Indian Ocean) where it was not supposed to be found. 3. Israel has had an identical 777 in Malaysian livery since last November, plenty of time for any special modifications to be made to the plane, including the installation of remote controls and possibly a nuclear weapon. 4. The specific aircraft in Tel Aviv is a Boeing 777-2H6/ER, with an even longer range than the missing MH370 777-200ER. 5. The media keeps the story of MH370 constantly in front of everyone (even though they have nothing new to report) so that the image of a 777 in Malaysian livery is on everyones mind. 6. Israel flies (by remote control) the second 777 non-stop from Tel Aviv towards an airport in a major US city. Because the plane is very large it is easy to see and recognize from the ground. On approach, the 777 veers off from the flight path and flies low over the target area to make sure it is spotted and recognized (mistakenly) as the missing Flight 370. 7. The Israeli 777 then activates its payload, possibly a nuclear weapon. 8. The corporate media blames Iran for the mushroom cloud. Or, if the 777 flies towards Washington DC, they might even try to frame Russia for it. The plane does not even have to actually hit a target like DC or New York, but could be intercepted, detonating the nuclear weapon high in the sky miles out to the Atlantic, making for great photos and videos but causing little real damage on the ground. Now then, a moment of common sense. Why would Iran DO such a stupid and reckless thing, even if they had a nuclear weapon, knowing that retaliation would be instant and devastating? Why would anyone do such a thing? The answer is that they would not. If this scenario in fact happens, there is no question it is another false-flag attack, like Israels attack on the USS Liberty, like the Lavon affair, like the attack on the USS Cole, like 9-11, to trick us into hating the designated invasion target. FEEL FREE TO SHARE!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 12:11:22 +0000

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