A NATIONAL CONFERENCE CONCLUDED BEFORE IT IS CONVENED. The declaration by Anyim Pius Anyim, the so called SGF of Nigeria has exposed the fraud behind this National Conference. The question neither the President of Nigeria nor Anyim Pius Anyim would have to answer is: what is the role of the indigenous people if the Federal government has already declared a crucial no-go-areas during the national conference? We want to use this opportunity to call on all Nigerians to please look beyond sentiments and indeed see that this national conference is not only fraudulent but also political and deceitful. A true National Conference is one that allows the people to, without fear or favour, ascertain the wish of the people. this is where referendum comes in. the grassroot represented by delegates must be free to say whatever the people want. A good government would allow for a debate before such wish is accepted or rejected. There is a preconceived conspiracy to control and indeed enslave the people as the government has, prior to the National Conference, announced that no one should talk about the division or disintegration of the country. THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE BOTHERING THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE. Is it not disgraceful that a government which is notoriously known for fraud, embezzlement, intimidation, sabotage and deceit would set the precedence for such a conference? Who is fooling who? it is now becoming more obvious then ever that this Federal government of Nigeria has something to hide. knowing fully well that the fraudulent amalgamation of One Nigeria has finally come to an end as well as the associated implications, the powers that be are once again trying the patience of Nigerians especially that of Boko Haram (Sharia Arewa State) and Biafrans. This fraud by the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) is enough to cause a serious revolution in any developed country. However, the governments of Nigeria, as dubious as they have ever been is clearly trying to see how far they can go with this. Shall the indigenous people allow this to happen? Regrettably, most affected in this useless fraudulent declaration are Boko Haram and Biafrans. These two groups have been agitating for separation from this fraud called One-Nigeria. Boko Haram, out of frustration having been denied their demand for a Sharia State resorted to violence and have been killing Nigerians indiscriminately while Biafrans have chosen the non-violence strategy and have taken Nigerian to the court of law and are planning to escalate this case to international level this year. Most Igbo youths who now believe that Anyim Pius Anyim has betrayed them have sworn for revenge. For the sake of history, let us retrospect: In their desperation to conquer the world and control the mineral resources of African nations, England, France, Netherlands, America and the United Nations bounced on Africa with every aggression. They kidnapped our ancestors and shipped them to their own countries and brutally enslaved them. As if that was not enough, they came back and carefully searched for the weaker vessel through which they would conquer our people and unfortunately, they found the Hausa-Fulani Oligarchy ready to cooperate with them. Right from London, they saw that the Southern part was richer qua mineral resources than the North and through the Hausa-Fulani Oligarchy, they penetrated our ancestors and dubiously and fraudulently amalgamated the south and the north into a union they baptized as One-Nigeria. History is now our witness that this One Nigeria has been a curse, plague and woe to the people Nigeria as it only yielded frustration, unemployment, hatred, Crime, Kidnapping, Prostitution, negligence, embezzlement, domination, forgery, manipulations, abuse of power, betrayal, power recycling, demons and occultism. Yes! The British government knew that Christians have nothing in common with Muslims, but blinded by their greed, they never cared and they went on to join all of us together without due process. Every reasonable person knows that this union has never worked and will never work- language is difference, Religion different, culture different, style, mentality and almost everything is different between Muslims and Christians; yet they told the fools that there is unity in diversity and Nigerians agreed. How can there be unity is diversity? Ask yourselves. This is 2014 and the Amalgamation of One Nigeria has finally ended. However, if the government of Nigeria should accept this truth, it then means that there must be a re-negotiation whether or not the Indigenous people still want to co-exist as One Nation or not. No, they saw a political danger that would affect their 2015 political ambitions to continue looting the wealth of One Nigeria to the detriment of the One-Nigerians. Only fools would allow this fraud to happen. Anyim Pius Anyim knew that the Disintegration is the main thing in the hearts of the people yet, being a corrupt Igbo politician like many others, he joined other corrupt Nigerian politicians to announce that the dissolution of this Evil union should not be discussed at all in the conference. What then is left to be discussed? Our message to Anyim Pius Anyim and his likes is as follows: You have betrayed us and must be judged according to the Igbo tradition. The anger of Igbo/Biafran Youths is upon you. No mercy. We use this same opportunity to warn Ohaneze and anyone who is rushing to represent Igbo people that any betrayal is punishable by death. No mercy. If any Igbo son or daughter betrays our interest in this conference, both that individual and his or her family will be wiped out without mercy. This decision has been reached by collective Igbo/Biafran youths. We swear with the God Almighty, we are not joking here. Signed. Igbo Youths and Indigenous People of Biafra.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 11:54:04 +0000

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