A NEIGHBOUR KNOCKS ON (A MANCHESTER MEMORY) Hiya Flo. Sorry to knock on at this time but have you got a bit of sugar I can borrow? Come in Ivy luv. Im just tidying up after tea. I cant watch Coronation street in peace if I can see mess out the corner of me eye Im the same (You wouldnt think, by the state of your bit of the back entry!) Come through to the back... Dont see much of you these days. Our Bob was only saying the other day, that he hasnt seen your Ted for ages Hes working away I thought he was a Bus driver Coaches!...Hes in London being trained Trained? to drive a Sharra?...After fifteen years driving a double-decker? Dont they namby-pamby them these days? In the war, when my Bob was in the home guard, They just give him a key for the 88 and said Get that shifted....And he cant even drive! Thats what you call Dunkirk spirit....Not that he was there. Too old. But he was in the first one, so I reckon hes entitled...Ey up! Coronation Streets coming on. Pour yourself a brew and sit down. Ill sort that sugar out when the adverts come on ********************************************** I cant stand that Len Fairclough! Summat not right about him... Id tell our Bob to hutch up for that Ken Barlow though. Lovely lad, and dead intelligent...Bloomin eck look at the time and Ive not even sorted the sugar out for you. Why didnt you say? Got caught up meself Flo. I love Coronation Street. Used to have a crush on Billy Walker Ew! Not for me thanks. Ey ar then. Is that enough?...Ill walk you to the door....Bloody ell Alice! You gave us a fright Well I was just about to knock when you opened it You know Ivy dont you? From over the road. Shes just been watching Coronation street with me...and ransacking me sugar supply...Im only kidding chuck. Go on, well watch you go in Aw thanks Flo. See you again Alice ********************************************************** Any way Alice Gadabout What are you doing out at this time of night? Ive been to the Bingo. You should come with me sometime? No ta! Ill stick with me Spot the Ball. And its clashes with Coronation street. Have you ever even won owt? Funny you say that, cos thats why Im here. Six premium Lamb Chops, for a line. Beryl Radcliffe was livid. She only needed one number as well...Anyway, seeing as theres only me and I havent got a fridge, I thought Id share them with me best mate Go on you daft sod! Aw thats lovely. And a treat for our Roger as well. He can have the bones Its a good job I know youre talking about a dog. Theyd have the Welfare round if they heard you talking like that Dont blame me. It was our Bobs choice. That dog reminds me of me old army pal Roger he said. So Roger it was....Its a bloody girl dog an all Your Bob must have had some strange pals. Anyway, speaking of husbands Was we? We are now.... Its funny her being here when I came. Did she tell you about her Ted? Yeah she was telling something about him becoming a Sharra driver...Why? What do you know? You didnt hear it from my mouth, but apparently hes run off with the woman from his works canteen. Theyre shacked up in Sheffield as we speak Im from Sheffield! Thats not the point flo. Think about it...What sort of person knocks on your door when Coronation street is on? Apart from the Clubman Im not following you? He took the Telly with him, as well! The crafty sod! So thats why she knocked on for sugar at twenty five past seven. I bet shes got a sack of Tate and Lyle in her back room. Well lets see what her excuse is on Wednesday?...But she only had to ask. I wouldnt begrudge anyone a watch of me telly. Our Joyce and her Callie bought us that for Christmas Yeah I know. You never shut up about it!...She probably couldnt take the shame Aw I wouldnt have judged. Just cos Ive got a happy marriage and a lovely husband...I dont know whats wrong with women these days. Why cant they keep a Man? Anyway. How do you know all this? Its not only numbers they call at the Bingo! ...
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 11:24:36 +0000

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