A NEW YEARS MESSAGE FROM YOUR SPORTS COMMISSION.... Dear sports commissioners, staff, volunteer coaches, athletes and our dear friends and unwavering partners from DepEd. It saddens me I could not deliver this message. We all have been thru very trying times trying find meaning in our being a sports commission. For 4 yrs we tried very hard to find a meaningful program that could become the center piece project of the commission. A progRam we can all be very proud of. So we decided on a very challenging program, the Barangay grassroots program. On our first year, only a handful believed in our cause. Maybe at most we were just 50volunteers, starting with BernaRd, Gayle Jessica, berto, mom Sagay, Winnie, Jude, the late Roger, Felix, grace, JoJo, Loloi and our very dependable DepEd Partners headed by mom angtud and mom Suzette! Our summer program started as a big mess, vehicles didnt arrive on time, volunteers were late. Schedules were too complicated. AfTer four years of trial and error, we finally found the effective formula!! And the most heart warming is that our volunteers have grown to around 300!! And when I look at the eyes of our volunteer athletes, we know they have come to love the program and are even looking forward to every summer. Thank you volunteers, for believing, thank you very much To our mayor Mike, vice mayor Edgar, councilor mom Margot, Councilor Jun Gabuya, Councilor Maryann, councilor Dave, for believing in our programs, and for your unwavering faith!!!.... Thank you to my executive director, for your dedication and passion to the programs. To com Lorenzo Chao Sy, thank you for always being there for me and for the commission. Your support has been unwavering for the last 4 yrs. To Doc Dejano, for being so available, helpful and embracing to all our programs. To mom angtud, mom Gocotano, BernaRd, Gayle, Don Don, Pacheco PJ, Nino, and all the volunteers, we finally made Guinness, after 2 stressful and agonizing years , an earthquake then Yolanda etc!!! Thank you so much for hanging on and persevered to the end!! We now have 13,472 archers in Cebu and have put a smile on their faces!!! Thank you for believing.... To Myla, junkoy, sports comm staff, for working overtime, even on Saturdays and Sundays to make the travels to Batang pinoy a memorable experience for the kids. To Gayle and Kate, for your untiring passion and commitment to the gRassroots progRam of the commission, To BernaRd, for your wisdom of tRansforming the otherwise abandoned, dilapidated San Nicholas sports complex into a Sports Institute, it may not be state of the art, but rather its a state of the heart. It is now the home of our volunteers. With bakbakan sa Sugbu as our centerpiece program, which has produced 3 golds in Batang pinoy for weights and Muay Thai. And a bronze in the Bangkok beach games. The Sports Institute will be a legacy of the city to the sports community. It will also send a strong message, That we Can transform the Barangay thru sports, one kid at a time!!! Thank you for believing.... Lastly to our dear partner sponsors, Virginia, IPI, Julies, thank you for always being there, when we need you the most. Very sincerely, you were very critical in the success of our programs. thank you for believing. In closing, ...its not often, during our lifetime, that we find a meaningful purpose in life. MOST PEOPLE, just simply go thru life as employees of govt, private sector, professionals, careers.... But I can say, that very very very few them , are given, the kind of rare opportunity and privilege that WE haVe in our hands. Believe it or not, We were bestowed with this very position to be able to do a good deed. We are actually in the position to be able to help people and transform lives. This kind of responsibility was entrusted to each and eVery one of us!!! as commissioners, sports com staff, volunteer coaches, DepEd teachers, athletes....friends partners, when can we have another chance in our life time to transform the lives of others, and make a difference in what they will be in the future, no matter how small it may be.... Thank you for believing.... Our mission in life has just begun....
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 11:05:38 +0000

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