A NOTION ABOUT ISLAM DATE-4-5-2014 At first I was really amazed - TopicsExpress


A NOTION ABOUT ISLAM DATE-4-5-2014 At first I was really amazed to see Moslems who have no idea about Islam despite the existence of nearly all the facts about life and death in the holy Quran.I discovered another fact. It is about the quick spread of Islam in the past, despite the absence of nearly all the modern devices of telecommunications. Every word of the holy Quran was well -understood, well practiced and well daily lived. The holy Quran was reflected in the behaviors of every Moslem and in every leaders decision. To the Moslems in the past, the call for Islam was the business and concern of each Moslem because they practically activate the saying of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH ),when he said, (To convert one person to Islam is better to you than a great wealth in the secular life.) For the first time in my life I, I felt with real happiness when I took Islam as a religion. I felt that there were no barriers between me and my Creator when I sincerely prayed in the silence of the night when everyone is asleep. Through my whispers, supplications and recital of some verses from the holy Quran, I felt all my worries, my tension and my troubles are gone. I learned from that young man some words and I decided to repeat them silently anytime I was awake and wherever I go. These words are Subhan Allah (Allah is glorified), Al-Hamdu Le laah(Thanks to Allah)La –Ellaha Illa Allah,(There is no god except Allah)and Allah Akbar(Allah is the greatest).One day I went through a wonderful experience when I visited my girl-friend, Nicole. While we were chatting, she received a phone call from some relatives. While giving short replies to the speakers questions on the phone, her face turned reddish, but her last words were, You can come right away, you are most welcome. She looked at me and reluctantly said, I ran into trouble and only you can save me. I invited some relatives to have lunch in my house. One of them told me that their plane might be late for safety reasons. (She took me to the kitchen and showed me that she bought everything and I had to cook for her relatives)She said that the last phone confirmed their arrival and she had to go the airport to receive them. I told her I didnt know how to cook. She told me to use the cooking teaching book that was in her kitchen and she went away swiftly. She didnt give me any time to say anything . A NOTION ABOUT ISLAM MUHAMMAD BIOGRAPHY THE PROPHETS TRIP TO HEAVEN Mohammedan Biography The life of Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him and his daily activities which were a practical reflection of the teachings of Allah that are mentioned in the holy Quran. But Allah supported His massenger in the sense that He made him see while coming back home on the back of Al-Buraq, a lost camal in the desert that couldnt find its caravan.Mohammad told them about its place with his voice, which they heard coming from heaven.When the merchants arrived Mecca, Quraish asked them about the lost camel and the merchants said:Yes,we heard a voice from the heaven telling us about the location of the lost camel.In consequence lots of people embraced Islam. The messenger started talking about Islam to the headmen of the Arab tribes calling them to embrace Islam, but the tribes of Bani Amer and Bani Haneefah replied in a bad manner.Later Mohammad met some six men from Al-khazraj tribe and called them for Islam.Some of them knew Mohammad as they heard the Jews talking about the qualities of the coming massenger.The six men eventually embraced Islam.Then They left the massenger and went back to their town to call people for Islam. In the next year, twelve men came to the massenger to declare their Islam and they agreed to support him and help him spread his call.Then they had approved of a homage with the prophet called,The first Aqaba homage.Then Mohammad peace be upon him sent Musab Bin Omair with them to teach them the verses of the holy Quran andtell them about Islam. One day while Musab Bin Omair was sitting with Assad Bin Zurarah reciting the holy Quran, a man called Usaid passed by them and told them to stop reciting and talking about Islam.Musab asked him to sit with them to listen to them and if he didnt like what they said they wouldnt bother him any more.Consequently,after a short while Usaid embraced Islam.When his cousin Saed Bin Muad,the head of Al-Aous tribe heard about that,he became very angry and came to Musab Bin Omair to rebuke him,but Musab Bin Omair asked him gently to sit and listen to what they said and if he didnt like their talk ,he could go away peacefully.The result was that Saed embraced Islam and so did all his tribe. .. A NOTION ABOUT ISLAM DATE-SUNDAY-4-5-2014 Sushi: I am really pleased with your splendid information. Who will tell us more about the big signs that precede the occurrence of the Day of Judgment? Lucia: Next time, I will tell you about the appearance f Gog and Magog. Sushi: We must leave now and see you tomorrow morning by ten. We left the place and went to a coffee shop for having drinks and sandwiches from the nearby cafeteria. .There was a TV. We listened to the news. The most important bit of news was that millions of Egyptians demonstrated in the Liberation Square in Cairo protesting against their president Hosni Mubarak who ruled them for more than thirty years. Despite all the calls from other presidents in the east and the west and from distinguishable people for Hosni Mubarak, to step down for the sake of Egypt and the Egyptians, he didnt listen and the situation worsened as more people got killed. I asked Sushi about the peoples who were behind these events and he replied by saying. Sushi: Everybody knows the cause behind these events .It was the rising prices of Oil, the spread of economic troubles like unemployment, poverty, starvation and most important of all was the spread of corruption of all sorts. But the question is who were behind all these troubles .In my, opinion it is Israel, this occupying state which was established in the region by force to keep the whole situation tense and to keep people away from Islam by all means .All the west, through spreading the culture of Islam phobia think that Islam no longer exists but they are wrong because it is always there in the hearts and the minds of the hundreds of millions as it was and is and will be the religion of mercy, tolerance ,justice ,equality and fraternity. It is a religion for all mankind regardless of their differences. Therefore Moslems, all over the world, must review the historical stages that Moslems have been going through to find out when and why Islam was spreading among nations quickly and why has its effect minimized, to find out how Islam was able to unite all cultures under one banner and who has been trying their best to divide the Islamic nations into small conflicting states. The way to success is clear. It is through having one Islamic state that includes all the nations who form majorities in their countries all over the world and this one state is ruled by the laws and rules of Islam where all people are real brothers working to please Allah and to void his wrath.
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 12:49:23 +0000

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