A NOTION ABOUT ISLAM DATE-SATURDAY-22-3-2014 Sámi told - TopicsExpress


A NOTION ABOUT ISLAM DATE-SATURDAY-22-3-2014 Sámi told his class that he would like to tell them about a dialogue between an interviewer and some students in the university talking about the miracles of the holy Quran. He said, There are about 200 billion galaxies in the universe consisting of 200 billion stars in each. Most of these stars had planets and most of those planets have satellites. These entire heavenly bodies move in very precisely computed orbit. From millions f years, each has been swimming along in its own orbit in perfect harmony and order with all the others. Moreover, many comets also move along in an orbit-determined system. The orbits in the universe do not only belong to celestial bodies, the galaxies also travel at an enormous speed in computed planned orbits. During these moves none of these celestial bodies cut across another paths or collide with another. It has been observed that some galaxies pass through each other with none of their components touching each other. Surely at the time when the holy Quran was revealed, human kind did not possess todays telescopes or advanced observation technologies to observe space. Therefore, at that time it was not possible to determine scientifically the space is full of paths and orbits as stated in the verse, however this was openly declared to us in the holy Quran that was revealed 1400 years ago because the Holy Quran is the word of Allah A NOTION ABOUT ISLAM SATURDAY-22-3-2014 VERY CRITICAL TIME AND PLACE INTERVALS Have you ever thought about the internal activities of your body to find an outlet for your depression and agitation Just give some thought to the flowing blood all over your body through the veins and arteries to get the Godly miracles with infatuation The blood in the arteries and the veins of a mother is quickly and miraculously transformed into milk at a certain critical point near the breasts to feed the babies to get maturation If you cant see the great ability of Allah in the creation of the heavens and the earth, how could you heed to little things, so beware lifetime is so short, equip yourself with all necessities to have with Allah a good reconciliation THE NEW JOURNEY DATE-SATURDAY-22-3-2014 Natasha: If they fight Islam openly, why dont Moslems prepare themselves for the coming fights, but before the fights, Moslems should do a number of things .First, all Moslems must comply with the Quranic verse, in Surah Al-Nisa that reads, O ye who believe! Choose not disbelievers for (your) friends in place of believers. Would ye give Allah a clear warrant against you? Imagine the great wealth of the Muslims is invested only in the Arab and the Moslem countries. I can imagine that Islamic committees are formed ;a committee or two for each Arab or Islamic country .A committee comes to an Arab country like Jordan or Egypt or Syria for example to study the economy of the country and find out the problems that cause deficit in the budget . Then to start solving the problems one bye one not by granting money to the government of the country, but by building up big projects that would help the country a great deal and the Arab rich countries would gain Islamic financial gains out of these projects. Let me discuss one problem in one of the cities in the Arab world. What can the rich Arab country do and how can it invest its money positively. Let us take the city of (X) (in the eastern part of Syria The problem: X is an over crowded city with people and cars of all types. The roads are the same since a hundred years. The problem is worsened and the Municipalities find no solutions because of the shortage of money and experience. The solution: The solutions must be in steps as follows: 1-The Arab Committee through contractors builds up new wide roads with bridges and tunnels. On the sides of these roads and tunnels, stores are established to sell various commodities. These stores are rented and the profits go to the municipality of city (x) and to the investing firms.. 2-The Arab Committee builds up big buildings that can be appropriate as parking areas for cars. 3-The Arab Committee calculates the costs, and then on monthly installments, it receives its costs with the Islamic financial gains after it had sold its projects to the Municipality. Imagine all Arab financial capitals or financial returns of petrol are invested in the Arab and Islamic countries to solve the problems of poverty, unemployment, youth problems, the problems of the university graduates, and the like. These Arab producing countries have a religious commitment towards other Moslems all over the globe that is to look for the problems of these Arab and Islamic countries to solve their problems economically, socially politically agriculturally, environmentally, scientifically and even psychologically. Would America be able to fight the Moslems when they use their wits? Would Israel, the foundling state, do anything towards the united power of the Moslems? I ask for an urgent and emergent summit Conference for all the Islamic countries and daring and decisive decisions should be taken towards the existence of Israel in the Middle-East and towards stopping the interference of the Super-Powers in our affairs and the one who refuses the decisions that unite all the Moslems must be sentenced on the spot and immediately .DATE-SATURDAY-22-3-2014 EDISODE ONE HUNDRED-NINE MUHAMMADAN BIOGRAPHY PART FIFTEEN A STORY ENTITLED,THE WRETCHED BOY PART ONE (A REAL STORY) Dear brothers and sisters in humanity.How are you today?How do you feel ?If you get up feeling healthy and strong ,thank God for his blessings upon you.If you get up feeling terrible and sick,thank God for his tests upon you.Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him once said,The affair of the believer is astonishing,if he is given good health ,money and joy he thanks God for his blessings and if he is given bad health ,poverty and misery,he is patient,and in both cases he will be receiving good Godly rewards.Read the following story: Samis mother died when he was at the age of five.Sami was like any other boys who loved to play with their peers.No sooner had his mother died ,than he felt that everything around him begin to have different colours and shapes.He felt that people were dealing with him with cruelty and deliberately trying to deprive him to do what he loved.Sometimes ,he imagined his mother stretching her open arms asking him to come quickly for a hug or hiding something in her hands that he loved so much to please him.Always those imaginations ended with shedding tears as they were difficult to come back.Burdens got heavier over him when his father married a young girl called Najwa.In fact Sami had a sister younger than him in about three years and her name was Sara.His father never showed him any sort of parental passion and he never gave him any money as expenses for the school or as kids expenses.Therefore; he went out working in the buses selling gums for passengers.Fortunately,Sami found his grandmother Amenah to care for him during childhood.She sent him to schools and his older brother Samer helped him with his expenses.He even helped him during his university studies.After graduation ,Sami was appointed as a teacher.Though his salary was very low,he managed to get married as he started giving private lessons at homes to get more money.Sami used to hear the sounds of the footsteps of his neighbour Abu-Saleh going to pray the dawn prayers in the mosque.He loved to accompany him and he got accustomed to praying in the mosque.Ahmed, Samis father aways wanted money from Sami though he was getting high incomes.His wife Najwa always pushed him to cause troubles to Sami who never made his father angry with him.Sami remembered the days of his studies at the university and how he worked in some restaurants while studying.His father Ahmed never helped him and he never visited him during university studies ,either.. One day in the morning while Sami was a child playing outside with his friends, he heard his father who came for a visit to his mother calling him out with a loud voice,Sami felt that all his being was cracking down ,but he------(To be continued tomorrow) .DATE-FRIDAY-22-3-2014 EDISODE ONE HUNDRED-NINE MUHAMMADAN BIOGRAPHY CALLING FOR ISLAM OUTSIDE THE ARABIAN PENINSULA. Al-Hudaybyaah Reconciliation treaty paved the way before Muslims to call for Islam outside the Arabian peninsula .Therefore, prophet Muhammad peace be upon him started sending out his own messengers to the kings and presidents of states at that time to call them for Islam .The prophet was told according to the holy Quran that his message was for all humanity as this is mentioned in the holy Quran in Surah Sabba ,verse 28 that reads,And We have not sent thee (O Muhammad ) save as a bringer of good tidings and a warner unto all mankind;but most of mankind know not. And the same meaning is mentioned in Al-Anbyyaa Surah ,verse 107 ,that reads,We sent thee not save as a mercy for the peoples. One day prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said to his companions after returning to Madina after Al-Hudaybiyaa Reconciliation Treaty,I was sent as a mercy for all mankind so dont differ among each other as the disciples of Jesus the son of Mary as it is mentioned in Surah Al-Imran ,verse 52 that reads ,But when Jesus became conscious of their disbelief ,he cried:Who will be my helpers in the cause of Allah?The disciples said:We will be Allahs bear thou witness that we have surrendered (unto Him).Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him ,How did they differ?The prophet replied ,Whoever was sent as a messenger to a very close place did it and whoever was sent to a far place showed dislikeness. Prphet Muhammad peace be upon him showed great concern to sending messengers to the presidents of other states of his time to call them for Islam and so, He chose people who spoke the language of the nations they were sent to.The prophet had a special Seal with his name written on it.So the prophet used to send messengers holding his own sealed messages to various state presidents calling them for Islam. The first prophets messenger was named Dehia Bin Khaleefah Al-Kalbee who was sent to to Hercules ,the king of the Romans and Huthaga Al-Sahmee was sent to to Chosroes,(the king of Persia ) and Amro Bin Ummayah Al-Thamree was sent to Al-Najashee ,the king of Al-Habasha and Hatheb Bin Abee Baltaah To the the Cyrus ,or the Hercules of Egypt .Then the prophet sent messengers to the princes of Arabs who had not embraced Islam yet.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 12:28:27 +0000

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