A NOTION ABOUT ISLAM DATE-WEDNESDAY-12-3-2014 questions that - TopicsExpress


A NOTION ABOUT ISLAM DATE-WEDNESDAY-12-3-2014 questions that follow: Sلmi told his class that he would like to tell them about a dialogue between an interviewer and some students in the university talking about the ways of the Jews to achieve aims. He said, Second, they followed economic means like the spread of the World Bank influences to impoverish countries, the spread of usury banks, bribery, Mafia gangs, inflation and deflation of world prices, counterfeit currencies, and international sports like racing and betting accompanying processes. Third, they followed political means like seducing presidents, ministers, parliamentarians and all people in charge through money and corrupted women to do what they want. Now taxpayers in America, Europe and the rest of the world are suffering and they will be suffering more and more unless strong leaders take over to stop the troubles in Iraq and Afghanistan and to stand face to face against all Zionist and western plans in different parts of the world. A NOTION ABOUT ISLAM TUESDAY-11-3-2014 It is really high time to abandon all secular silly attractions. Time has come to fulfill your obligations towards Allah and leave all inaction. Look around and see Satan giggling more the more you disobey Allah and proceed to Satans faction. Those who die before repentance to Allah will wish they were sent back to life to have very positive interaction. We Muslims pray five times a day and that is a simple action. Then we perform 150 prayers a month to get more satisfaction; so we pray 1800 times a year while being involved in daily transaction. Oh,you friend remember you pray in ten years 18000 times in regular dutiful electromagnetic interaction. Besides you forget that you pray in 50 years 90000 times and asked Allah for forgiveness in continuous devotion without fearing collapse or fraction. The prophet said one prayer in the prophets mosque in the holy land gives you the awards of 100000 prayers in any other mosque outside the holy land ,so be in a hurry before death to visit Cabba and take the truest action The New Journey JUST A NOTION ABOUT ISLAM WEDNESDAY-12-3-2014 Second, they are not Moslems and both will be the firewood of the hellfire .I read a story about an old man who was very close to death because of a dangerous disease. The old man had a big piece of land and he had 7 well-grown sons. He wanted his sons to work together in his piece of land after his death; therefore he gathered them around his death bed and asked each to bring him a wooden stick. The father asked one of his sons to break his stick. The son broke his stick easily. Then the father took the rest of the sticks and put them together and asked one of his sons to break the sticks, but he couldnt. All the other brothers tried hard o break the sticks, but they couldnt. Then the old father told them that when they were united it would be difficult for any one to defeat them. The old man added that he left for them a big piece of land and he buried a valuable treasure just 15 centimeters under the surface of the land. The sons insisted that their father had to tell them about the place of the treasure, but he refused and died after that. Then after the burial of their father, the sons dug the whole area without finding any treasure. Someone said, since we have dug the whole area, why dont we scatter some wheat-seeds over it and arrange the soil into furrows That is a great idea another said. Then they worked together in the land and harvested a very big wheat production. After selling it they got a big sum of money. The eldest brother gathered his brothers and while counting the sum of money; he said, this is the treasure our father was talking about. Everyone realizes that weakness is a bad quality in the individual and a state. I wonder how Moslems accept that there Islamic unity is dismantled by the super-powers. A big number would say they are weak. Why dont they try hard to find out common approaches that would lead to unity? A real Moslem in Jordan or Syria or Egypt is distressed when another Moslem is killed or tortured or arrested in Afghanistan or Palatine or in Somalia or any other Islamic or non-Islamic country. The Americans, the Europeans and the Zionists conspire day and night against the Islamic world and the rulers of the Islamic world are day-dreaming of peace talks that led to more gains and positive opportunities in the part of the Jews who commit all types of crimes against the Moslems. Who will stop them? I think no one except the real Moslems who sacrificed everything for Gods sake, be one of them and prepare yourself to the next fight against the Jews and against all who fight in their side. The populations of the whole world even in America are fed up with the troubles that the Zionists caused everywhere in the world like recession, unemployment, petrol prices, inflation and deflation that caused all kinds of crimes and sins. . DATE-WEDNESDAY-12-3-2014 EDISODE ONE HUNDRED-TWO MUHAMMADAN BIOGRAPHY AL-HUDAIBYAA RECONCILATION TREATY. PART SIX MESSENGERS BETWEEN THE TWO PARTIES Introduction My brothers and sisters in Islam:You have learned that yesterday as a day wont come back any more as it was folded in the records of eternity ,but the deeds you did during it will remain in the memories of some.So be smart in thinking and use the rest of the days of your lifetime in obedience to to GOD ,the creator of everything and so use this day to serve your parents well and remember their blessings upon you.Then tell me how comfortable in the repose of the night you will be! AL-HUDAIBYAA RECONCILATION TREATY. AL-REDWAN PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The stand of the prophet peace be upon him was fully right as he applied the commandments of God and he had a wider range of thinking and better future vision .Besides, he went deep in thought regarding each item of the treaty to find out that by the end of the day all of the gains and benefits will be achieved and what of the items looked superficially against the intrest of Islam served in fact better the spirit of the message of Islam as we will discuss later on. THE CONDITIONS OF AL-HUDAIBYAA RECONCILATION TREATY. The prophet called upon Ali Bin Abee Taleb and asked him to write down the conditions of the treaty .Ali said,I will start writing In the Name of God ,Most beneficent,Most Merciful.Suhail objected to that and said ,I am not accustomed with these expressions ,but write instead,In your Name Lord.The prophet agreed upon that.Then Ali Bin Abee Taleb said,I will write ,The following is what has been agreed upon between Muhammad the messenger of God and Suhail Bin Amro.Again Suhail objected to that and said,If I had witnessed that you were the messenger of Allah ,I wouldnt have faught you,write in stead of that your name and the name of your father.Then the prophet peace be upon him asked Ali Bin Abee Taleb to write,This is what has been agreed upon between Muhammad the son of Abdullah and Suhail ,the son of Amro.Then Ali Bin Abee Taleb wrote down the following condoitions of the treaty which were agreed upon as follows: -Both parties agreed upon a truce lasting for ten years during which people feel safe and no party waged a fight against the other party. Besides Whoever comes from Qurayish side to the Muslims side without being permitted by those in charge had to be returned to Quraiyish side; whoever comes from the Muslims to Qurayish side wouldnt be returned ;whoever likes to enter the pledge and the covenant of Muhammad has the right to do so and whoever likes to enter the pledge or the covenant of Quraiyish has also the right to do so and Muhammad had to turn back to Madina this year without entering Mecca in condition that he would be allowed in to Mecca for three days next year armless except from swords in their sheaths.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 11:56:43 +0000

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