A NOTION ABOUT ISLAM DATE-WEDNESDAY-26-2014 Sámi told his - TopicsExpress


A NOTION ABOUT ISLAM DATE-WEDNESDAY-26-2014 Sámi told his class that he would like to tell them about a dialogue between an interviewer and some students in the university talking about the marvels of the Islamic civilization. He said, we saw students weeding in the backyard to do their voluntary work as good as they could to please their Lord. After ringing the bell, Tami was before us in a minute. He welcomed us and took us to his room. Along the corridors, we could see beautiful wooden works and tapestries reflect dim light and hear the murmuring light voices of colorful water coming down in a cascade into a brown carved wooden mantelpiece. I enjoyed looking at some Quranic verses carved along the walls in very neat Arabic calligraphy. There was no place for man-like or animal-like statues or pictures or photos on the walls. I saw a copy of the holy Quran on an ornamented small triangular table in the corner of each corridor leaning against the wall. The doors open automatically before you reach them. Nearly every thing works on remote controls even the curtains. We sat on Tamis room. He pressed a button and in a minute, a small robot welcomed us and offered us some drinks. A NOTION ABOUT ISLAM WEDNESDAY-26-3-2014 A PROPOSAL TO MAKE THE COMMERCIAL DEALINGS OF THE PRESENT ISLAMIC BANKS WORK IN ACCORDANCE TO THE TEACHINGS OF ISLAM AND TO AVOID USURY. I wish the present Islamic Banks had car exhibitions and cement and iron bars stores to sell citizens in terms of wholesale or retail sale in condition that these banks possess all these exhibitions and stores so that the sale would meet the commandments of the prophet and to be really Islamic in regulation. . The purpose is to avoid usury as it is taboo in Islam and it is behind all the troubles of the world nowadays, but who can heed and go back to the prophets sayings to save the world trade from all recessions to replace that with the light of guidance and illumination. . In simple terms if I want to buy a car or build a house, I just go to the real Islamic bank which refers me to the car exhibition or the cement and iron bars stores which it really owns and I buy what I want and pay the due amount in cash after a while or as monthly installments till the whole amount is finished in condition that there is no difference in the price of a commodity whether the price is paid on cash or installments and that must be published as a permanent education. . The real Islamic Bank here will play the role of a merchant who buys a certain commodity and sells it with some profit and that will make it a great winner when the number of clients is ever-increasing , the whole country prospers and its economic thrive will exceed any expectation. . Thus the real Islamic Bank will have another role besides building the world economically; that is to get more people acquainted with the real message of Islam that is based on love, peace, justice and brotherly reconciliation.. THE NEW JOURNEY DATE-WEDNESDAY-26-3-2014 Sushi: The debates are really interesting, but lets go back to Loren talking about the vicious plans of the Jews. Loren: the present Zionist terror against Islam aims at getting rid of all faiths especially the Islamic faith. It is a mad international terror war against Islam Armageddon) led by Bush against the Islamic world. When do you think Moslems will get up and throw away all artificial differences and conflicts and deal with the enemy as an enemy and deal with a friend as (a friend)? The magazine Mother Jones published an article in June in the year2002 that reads that the American educational influential circles unanimously decided to give out ideas that would make Moslems doubt their faith. Some Zionist priests declared that Islam is the source of evil. Some others demanded the destruction of kabbah in Mecca. On the 6th January 2002 the Zionist devil Jerry Flail who deceived the American people when he told them that the Jewish individual is the pupil of Allah and whoever hurts a Jew it is as if he hurts God. He added that America wont be able to survive if the Americans dont help Israel. A big number believed in him when he said his reference is the Old Testament. He told a big lie when he also said that Mohammed (PBUH) was a man of violence. Another Zionist Christian leader called Bat Robertson attacked the prophet of Islam on a TV program called, HantiColumns that was transmitted by Fox News when he- said that Mohammed was a highway robber. Jerry Finer attacked Mohammed (PBUH) and Graham Franklin described Islam as the religion of evil. In fact those Zionists and everybody supporting them worship Satan and obey his orders when they spread corruption and immorality, therefore the prominent characteristics of the western international policies that is governed by international Zionist movement are telling lies and giving false promises beside attacking Moslems wherever they are. One of the false principles they adopt is fight against terrorism. Terrorism is their characteristic but they falsely accuse other nations that fight to liberate themselves from the occupying imperialistic forces of being terrorists. . Those who invented the item fight terrorism are themselves the terrorists. They dont call the eradication of the Red Indians in America terror; they dont call the driving out of the Palestinians from their homeland terror; they dont call the occupying of Iraq and Afghanistan and killing millions terror; they dont call throwing atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki terror .But they call the prophet who calls for equality ,fraternity and doing good and worshipping One God a terrorist. In their viewpoint, a terrorist is the one who is chaste, honest and virtuous. Whoever calls for corruption, immorality, prostitution, drinking wine and dealing with opium and other sorts is not a terrorist, but he is defending western freedom .The people who sell themselves to Satan are not terrorists ,but the people, who sell themselves to their lord who wants to save them from secular diseases and unbearable hellfire are terrorists. The Jews have filled the earth with what displeases God and so their second big punishment has become so close according to the holy Quran. .DATE-WEDNESDAY-26-3-2014 EDISODE ONE HUNDRED-THIRTEEN A STORY ENTITLED,THE WRETCHED BOY PART FIVE (A REAL STORY) Dear brothers and sisters in Islam. (We continue today part FIVE of the wretched boy.),but suddenly Sami remembered that he had forgotten his new trousers that his grandmother brought him with her that morning and he wanted to put it on on important occasions.He loved that trousers when he saw it.His grandmother saw him going to and fro thinking of the trousers.His grandmother Amenah asked him about what was bothering him.He told her about the trousers and she told him to run fast to get it before the taxi came.Sami went running down the stony steps of the stairs and in about two minutes he was standing at the door-step of the house out of breath.Then he knoked at the door gently.Najwa opened the door partly to see who was outside,but when she saw Sami her countenance quickly changed and angrily she cried out,What do you want now?Sami with an intermittent voice said,My nnn new ttt trousers.Sami was astonished to see his father lying down with a big dish of various fresh fruits before him.He wished that his father would give him just one banana,but he didnt.Then in no time his step-mother brought him the trousers crying out saying ,Dont ever let me see your face again.Sami took his trousers and again swiftly ran up the stony stairs ,but when he got to the place where his grandmother was standing ,he saw no one.To his amazement ,he didnt see his grandmother there .The wooden chair that Abu-Habeeb brought for Amena was empty.Next to the wooden chair ,he could see only the black plastic sacks of his belongings.Sami felt that he was at loss;he couldnt imagine going back to live with his step-mother and he couldnt imagine that his grandmother Amena deceived him and left him alone.The little boy began crying silently thinking that it would be better for him to run quickly across the road when a swift car came so as to crush him to free him from the tyranny of this world.Then Sami began to run twenty to thirty meters a long the sidewalk to the east then ran back the same distance to the west.While running before the shop ,Sami saw that the shopkeeper Abu-Habeeb was very busy selling some customers paying no attention to the misery of the little boy.Sami then gave up hope and sat next to the chair weeping silently feeling that he was at loss.Then he looked up to see that Abu-Habeeb was approaching him. (Tomorrow with part six, ,we continue God –willing .DATE-WEDNESDAY-26-3-2014 EDISODE ONE HUNDRED-THIRTEEN MUHAMMADAN BIOGRAPHY PART FOUR CONQUEST OF MUSLIMS ON KHAYBER Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him approached his companions saying Who will be facing this knight? Muhammad Bin Salama took the floor crying out,I will be facing him, prophet, please choose me for this task as he killed my brother a while ago,.The Prophet allowed him to start a dual combat with Marhaba and Muhammad Bin Salama was able to kill him..Later the brother of Marhaba came out of the fort asking for dual combat and was killed by Al-Zubair Bin Al-Awaam. According to some other historian scolars, Marhaba was killed by Ali Bin Abee Taleb.The historians said,While Muslims were before one of the Jewish forts, the prophet said that on the coming day he would give the banner to one whom Allah and his prophet loved so much and who would be the main cause for getting into that fort.The prophets companions each started hoping that he himself would be the chosen man for the task.On the next day ,the prophet came asking about Ali Bin Abee Taleb.His companions told him that Ali Bin Abee was ill suffering from his eyes.The companions summoned Ali to the prophet.Then the prophet spat on his eyes and supplicated to Allah to recover him.To the amazement of all the attendants ,Alis eyes were completely recoverd from the ailment.Then the prophet gave the banner to Ali asking him to face Marhaba in the dual combat .Ali asked the prophet what to do when they got into the fort.The prophet asked him to tell the Jews about the right path of God and to call them for Islam as it is better for a Muslim than all the wealths of the secular worlds to convert just one to Islam.The knight Marhaba came out of the fort asking for a dual combat and was faced by Ali Bin Abee Taleb who started chanting ,It is me whose mother called him the lions cub ; Attacking its preys, with bad dub; having greater influence than the catapults hub
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 15:45:35 +0000

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