A Nancy Drew Mini-Mystery: The Case of the Desert Caper It was - TopicsExpress


A Nancy Drew Mini-Mystery: The Case of the Desert Caper It was a long and almost unbearable drive out into the desert as the hot sun beat down on Nancy’s face. As luck would have it, her air conditioning had broken down only two days earlier and despite having all the windows open, the heat was simply excruciating. As she sipped on some of the water that she brought for the trip, the thought that she may have somehow missed her destination was beginning to cross her mind. Just as she was about to turn around and head back, a small sign appeared that read “Ross Expeditions Here.” With a silent sigh of relief, she turned her car towards the small cabin that could be seen in the distance. As Nancy reached the front door, Jason Ross introduced himself and motioned for the detective to come inside. The interior of the cabin consisted of one very large, but cozy room. In the right-hand corner, all the camping supplies were piled including an axe, one five-liter jug of water, some canned food, a lantern and other various pieces of camping equipment. To the back of the room was a small fireplace, and a wooden table with a couple mismatched chairs. The most notable item in the cabin could be seen in the middle of the floor; a body, evidently lifeless, sprawled on top of two sleeping bags that were casually laid there. The cause of death was not obvious. “Can you tell me what happened?” said Nancy. “I wish I knew,” Jason said quietly. “I run a desert camping expedition business, providing tours to a variety of people. I have been trying for years to get my brother to come and join me, but being the city person that he was, he would always scoff at the idea. He used to joke that if he wanted to be without the convenience of phones, running water, or electricity, he’d simply skip paying his bills. Anyways, last week we were having a few drinks together, and we made a silly bet in which if he lost, he would have to spend a week out here with me. As you can see, he lost.” Jason then paused for a moment and took a long deep breath before continuing. “I woke up early this morning and since my brother was still sleeping, I decided to do a little dirt biking. I was gone for about two hours. When I returned, I found my brother dead in the middle of the floor. I really do not know what happened. Other than his wallet that was on the table, nothing seems to be missing.” “I think you may know more than you’re telling me!” Why did Nancy suspect that Jason was not being completely honest? #nancydrew #herinteractive #minimystery
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 17:12:45 +0000

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