A New Anointing with Power! Know Your Enemy! Advancing in Prayer - TopicsExpress


A New Anointing with Power! Know Your Enemy! Advancing in Prayer to Corinth! Seeing Your Provision! Our weekend of Seeing Your Provision was awesome! Things shifted on Saturday and the Spirit of the Lord met us with power and released incredible revelation. Sunday morning was a wild ride. While I was ministering on the Lords desire to see us anointed and established so we are NOT outwitted by the enemy in the year of Aleph, the Year of Having Strength Like an OX, the Lord began to release a Bull anointing! One word for the anointing is FAT. The anointing is linked with the strength to break every yoke! Oh my! Remember, the anointing breaks the yoke! Begin declaring that His anointing is making you grow fat so that you break out into your next place of provision. During our Power of Use service, Ray Hughes shared on Resounding the Mighty Works of God. This generation must resound the mighty works of God done in the previous generation to awaken faith in the next generation. We are Advancing! Sow into Glory of Zion Like I frequently say to our staff, If you are opposed to change and embracing the new, then this is not the best environment for you! We are on the move once again and have signed the papers to purchase the Global Spheres Center. The Lord has favored us greatly, and the City of Corinth has welcomed us to move into the former Boeing Building in Corinth. With the funds we had in our building accounts, along with a 30-day loan from the former owner, we could assume ownership and can now begin renovating to prepare a new place for His Glory. In a challenged economy, its amazing how the Lord has blessed us to purchase this wonderful facility where our monthly mortgage will be $37,000 less per month than we are paying to just rent (and not own) our current facilities. Presently, we need $320,000 by March 1 to pay off the no-interest loan the former owner extended us. Your giving and prayers keep us representing you in advancing the KINGDOM! We have been able to do all of this without jeopardizing the land investment along Interstate 35, which continues to increase in value. I just gave on our secure website at gloryofzion.org. You can also call 1-888-965-1099 or 1-940- 382-7231. Feel confident to give online or by calling our office. Our goal is to move in at the beginning of June and host our Pentecost Gathering in the Global Spheres Center (see the Prayer Focus below). What a way to celebrate the Lords provision! The Global Spheres Center has 215,000 square feet of usable space. One portion will be the Prayer Tower, and another will seat 2,000 for our gatherings. Of course, we will also have office space. The Prayer Gardens will be to the side of the building and down behind. This is actually better than the original design we developed for the Gardens on the land. Media will be first established so our communications do not cease. The first $1 million will be used for renovations to move our offices and sanctuary. The next $1 million will be for the children, Jr. High, Youth, and Servants House. This is not just a ministry facility, but will also be used for Community Development. Other ministries and businesses can also office with us. We are planning a gym for the community as well as many other community activities. I wish you all were here to be an ongoing part of the process, but I know you will find your time to visit two or three times a year. Take part in investing in your future here and lets keep moving with momentum! Know Your Enemy! The Lord awakened me and showed me how the enemy was roaming around, seeking whom he may devour. As each one of us advance into a new, enlarged place in this season (individually and corporately), we must know that we each will face new enemies in our new land. On Sunday Linda Heidler sent the following to me: This morning you said that anytime we enlarge into new territory, the serpent is waiting for us. This premise has been there since the beginning. When I studied the two kinds of REST – Sabbath Rest (time of rest) and Dominion Rest (place of rest) – one thing that I saw was that in the place of rest, the Garden, Adam and Eve were to take dominion! However, we must remember that the snake was already present in the Garden waiting upon them to test the Word that God had given them. He did not get into the Garden because they had done anything wrong. Gods design was the serpent was in their Garden. They were given authority over all of the animals in the Garden. They actually named each! Their first act of taking dominion was to take dominion over the serpent. They would not have any problem in the Garden if they would take dominion over the serpent. However, without taking dominion over the serpent, after he interrupted their communion or rest with God, then no rest or dominion over anything else could be taken. Gods purpose from the beginning was for man to commune with Him and war with the devil. It is also interesting that the words for the woman, Helper Suitable are warfare words. Gods original purpose was for man and woman to war together with Him against the serpent and in so doing to take dominion over the earth. Corinth Shift and Prayer Focus Our Thursday Night Watch will now shift to the land and building at Corinth. Every remaining Thursday night this month (February 17 and February 24) between 7-8pm, we will now be on the land in Corinth. We want to open a portal and prepare a place for the Voice of the Lord to be heard. We invite you all to come on Thursday nights and meet us there and watch corporately as the Lord begins to position His sound on the land. In the Center for Advancement class on Saturday, Chuck brought to our attention that for a season we are in possession of both the North Gate (our land on the north side of Denton) and the South Gate (the Global Spheres Center south of Denton). I believe we are in a window for a season that has been engineered by the Lord and planned for a specific purpose. We will have the opportunity to decree into a portal that is the center of a Crossroads (the meaning of Corinth) and then the land on the north side of Denton, where East meets West. The Lord is giving us some very clear strategies for this time. We are going to be launched into new dimensions this season as we watch. For you who are aligned with us in other regions, just pray in your home or go to your south gate and pray with us. We look forward to seeing many of you on site at the Global Spheres Center to watch with us and receive our next portion. Chuck Pierce Glory of Zion International Ministries Email: [email protected] elijahlist/words/display_word/9589
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 12:07:34 +0000

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