A New Low in Cowardly Capitulation to Muslims Terrorists by Todd - TopicsExpress


A New Low in Cowardly Capitulation to Muslims Terrorists by Todd Strandberg It’s official. America is the most evil nation on earth in the area of torture. Here I thought the events surrounding the Ferguson, Missouri Grand Jury are proof enough that we have entered the zone of insanity. Now comes the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence CIA’s use of controversial interrogation practices. Days before the release of the torture report, the press began warning that the content of the report would be so explosive that Embassies around the world needed go into lock down. In fact, over 2,000 Marines were placed on standby. The fear was that the Arab world would learn of our dastardly deeds, and be compelled by rage to go on a murderous rampage. The Muslim world seems have to missed its cue (but maybe they will catch on later). After an exhaustive three-year investigation, the Senate Intelligence Committee cited typical examples of torture that didn’t quite lived up to the hype; waterboarding, sleep deprivation, and isolation. Some examples are just plain weird: The hanging of family photos next to the person being interrogated, operating a cordless power drill near their body, and the playing of rock music and animal noises. Others were not even real torture: Force-feeding prisoners who were trying to starve themselves and restraining those who tried to do themselves bodily harm. We have actually known of these interrogation practices for over a decade. The May 2004 Taguba Report which cited what took place at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, showed nearly all the same abuse as in this just released report. It took an incredible amount of chutzpah for the press organizations to act like this old news just happened yesterday. The underlying intent of this one-sided accounting drawn up by Senator Dianne Feinstein’s Intelligence Committee report was to take cheap shots at the CIA. After spending $40 million of tax payers money to find few new tidbits of information, Feinstein needed her minions in the press to shape public opinion. The one thing I dislike the most about the liberal media is their apparent entitlement to determine the relevancy of news. The Islamic group ISIS has been committing unspeakable acts against helpless people in Northern Iraq, but those atrocities will have to wait while we take a trip down memory lane. The press has been playing this misdirection game for decades with some of history’s most heinous events. Every time the adversary of 9/11 comes along, the perpetrators are always absent from the reflection. The report has been widely criticized for lacking a purpose. It makes no recommendation about the problems it addressed. The Committee members didn’t interview anyone involved in the torture program. (They just gleaned through old emails looking for dirt.) By calling ourselves out as monsters of torture, we are giving nations like Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China a blank check justify their own torture programs. These nations don’t just pour cold water on people. They use methods that inflict lasting damage. I can just see North Korea, with its vast network of concentration camps, saying, “Well, at least we’re not like evil Uncle Sam.” Having seen spy satellite photos that show row after row of mass graves that surround North Korea’s death camps, I can confirm that they do indeed operate differently from us. I think the use of torture is the result our leaders inability to take proper action against our enemies. The first line of defense is not allowing people who view themselves as enemy agents to emigrate to our nation. The second step in eliminating the need for torture is to stop trading with Arab countries that support terrorism. Iran would be a desert wasteland if Western nations chose to buy their oil from countries with a less radical agenda. The third step, kill terrorists before they get a chance to act. This is something that we do, but could be improved upon by being more decisive in our actions. If our lawmakers really care so much about justice, they should revoke the bill they passed that gave the president the power to kill any U.S. citizen he views as a terrorist. Another problem they can work on is the unlawful stealing of property from Americans who were never convicted of a crime. Also, we continue to launch drone attacks that are guaranteed to kill innocent civilians with each strike. Bleeding heart liberals are intent on gnawing away at the web of protection that has kept Americans safe. If some biological or nuclear attack should suddenly occur in a major city, the anti-CIA folks won’t be eating crow. Just like after every other major or minor attack, further erosion of our freedom and liberties will be the first casualty. “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed” (2 Corinthians 4:8-9). --Todd From Nearing Midnight Dec. 22, 2014 @raptureready
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 05:13:01 +0000

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