A PARABLE OF HEAVEN AND HELL.(BOTH DESTINATIONS STARTS FROM THIS EARTH)! A man died and went to heaven, and saw peace, joy, love, and righteous life there, he was so happy to made it there, but he asked an angel taking him around pls sir, can i see how hell looks like? the angel replied, do u really want to see it? The young man insisted. When they arrived hell, everybody there was happy,enough music, drinking and enjoyments was happening there. And this is a young man that likes this kind of flexing life, he was so amazed but wondered why people see hell as a horrible place. When he returned to heaven with d angel, he said to the angel sir pls can i go bak there, i think i like the other side (i.e hell) the angel replied again do you really want to go there, he said yes this place is wonderful but i have a choice, i prefer d other side. The angel said to him, ok, you have your will, i cant force you bt i tink u should be here (heaven). Then the young man departed and went to hell, this time around he came alone, guess what he saw wen he came the second time, horror, he saw all those pple flexing before now shoutin and cryin in d fire, then the devil came to him and said to himthou fool, i dont have any good tin to give,have u not read in ur bible dat am a deceiver? i use attractive, beautiful and pleasant tins to decive men most especialy d xtian. If i use unatractive and urgly things they will detect is from me. all i do is to package hell inside enjoyment, so dat when you come for enjoyment, pleasure, social life, clubing,fake glory, worldly dressing and music, which have made it look normal and attractive in sight of men,worldly lust(eg immorality) which i modernised to love but at d end what u get is HELL and this young man was thrown into hell. Brothers and sisters give God all you have got, he will still bless u, stop this over night prosperity,lust,worldly life dat will land u in hell, what will it profit you to even gain dis world and go tohell, God forbid! by Gods grace all of us will end up in heaven in Jesus name. BE VIGILANT! THE DEVIL IS SOO ANGRY TO TAKE AS MANY TO HELL.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 16:00:57 +0000

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