A PARTIAL REPORT ON THE JIM HARRISON TRIBUTE, DALLAS, TX. March 14 - 16 2014. A. I was one of the few who knew that old friend Chuck Norris was to make an appearance as was Martial Artist/Actor Wesley Snipes. The event was a sell out and might have gotten out of control via celebrity worshippers. B. One of my long time students and associates coordinated security between hotel security and the Dallas Constabulary. His perforance was, as usual and as Ive come to expect, of the highest professional standards. C. Chuck made it. D. Wesley made it to Dallas but not to the event itself as unfortunately, his wife became ill on the flight in. Wesley wisely returned home. E. Most of us on The Dais listed below probably should have had name tags as few of us looked quite the same as we did back when. I hazard a guess that Joe Rogan was maybe the youngest. Joes name is not on the dais but I assure all that he was there because I was fortunate to sit between Joe and the great fighter Troy Dorsey who was probably the second youngest. I suppose I was third. F. Perhaps the weight loss counted for something because those in attendance saw Chuck take his seat to the left of Joe Rogan and I was seated at Joes right. When Chuck half stood and reached over to take my hand, he called me Rick and said something to the affect that its been a long time. I replied that it had. (maybe Ive aged better than I thought.) G. When the ceremony ended and Chuck and I had the brief conversation on the dais, we were talking about his New York rematch with the late great competitor Louis Delgado. The typically wonderful Chuck Norris smile was because we were recalling the iconic photo taken when Louis was going down and Chuck was coming down on him with a vengeance. Anyone who saw that match knows what I mean. Chuck had lost the first match to Louis but there was a little matter of a low blow. H. It was most gratifying to see Allen Steen, the undisputed King of the blood & guts era of Texas Karate, along with several of his top students including legends, J. Pat Burleson, 1964 world champion and the greatest kicker of all, Skipper Mullins. I hold a special place in my heart for Skipper because he too was a Marine. Big Ed Daniel, another member of The House That Steen Built was likewise there. I. Jim Harrison. An early personal inspiration to me and the bloodiest, gutsiest of all. As Bruce Lee said. I fear no man but Jim Harrison is the one man that I do not want to fight. As Chuck Norris said. Jim Harrison once saved my life. He pulled his punch an inch from my face. Grandmaster Harrison presented me with one of his shirts from his dojo. I was honored. I was also gratified that I was afforded an opportunity to say thanks to an early inspiration. J. A big screen ran, depicting some of the action of those early days. Master Gregory Duncan truthfully stated that regardless of skill level, what was seen back then was pure heart and pure guts. I fully agree! As was stated, we had to come up with some rules because we were going to kill each other. K. Im not known to attend many Martial Arts functions. I turn down far more invitations than I accept. Im glad I accepted this one and I fully appreciate the attendance of Master Gregory Duncan and my students who likewise attended. Dr. Reggie Lee. Shaun Dietrich. David Simitz and the students of Master Rich Shanahan, Tom G. and Butch. L. The folks who were there and especially the man we all honored, Jim Harrison are the true stuff of which legends are made. Their kind had not been seen before and likely will not be seen again. Im proud and humbled to have been a part of what I believe was an extraordinary event. My thanks to all who helped make it possible. Ossh!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 02:53:03 +0000

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