A PASTORAL LETTER FROM THE BISHOP OF LANCASTER FOR THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (A) – GOOD SHEPHERD SUNDAY Appointed to be read aloud at all weekend Public Masses in the Diocese of Lancaster on the weekend of 10/11 May 2014 This is a reminder of the words of Bishop Michael Campbell addressed directly to the men of the Diocese. Young men on the threshold of your career, as your bishop I urge you not to shirk the priestly call of Christ should it come to you. There is no more worthwhile way to spend your life than to answer the Lord’s priestly call. It is more than a career or job of work. The Diocese of Lancaster and its good people very much need you. To put these words into context here is the full letter. 6 May 2014 My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, On this Good Shepherd Sunday we have just heard the words of the Good Shepherd himself, I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full. Christ, therefore, has come to give us what we or anyone else has not the power to give – the divine life which comes from heaven. Today, therefore, the universal Church joins in assiduous prayer that God will continue to give us shepherds who in Christ’s name will continue to bring that divine life to his people. Our Diocese of Lancaster is part of, and is united with, that great wave of prayer which today ascends to the throne of God and to the Lord of the harvest. I address this Pastoral Letter specifically and personally to you, young men, who are listening as it is being read. Have you ever thought that Christ might be calling you as a priest to help him bring life to his people, the life which he so generously won for us by his death on the cross? To decide to be a priest is an act of the greatest charity towards our brothers and sisters in the faith, who need us and our ministry more than we can ever know. St. Augustine of Hippo said long ago that ‘if no good men had come forward we ourselves would never have been baptised or brought to Christ’. It takes great courage to step forward and follow Christ in his priesthood, and we are reminded of the unflinching example of our Lancashire and Cumbrian martyrs who gave their lives to ensure that our Catholic faith has been passed on to us. These martyrs would surely be disappointed if they felt that the young people of the twenty-first century could not find the courage or impulse to devote their lives to Christ and serve the People of God as priests. Young men on the threshold of your career, as your bishop I urge you not to shirk the priestly call of Christ should it come to you. There is no more worthwhile way to spend your life than to answer the Lord’s priestly call. It is more than a career or job of work. The Diocese of Lancaster and its good people very much need you. I also address all parents and grandparents. There can often be a reluctance today to encourage a son or grandson to consider a vocation to the priesthood. Your children are ultimately a gift to you from God and you should therefore pray for the generosity to allow your son to take this step should he so wish. Think of Mary, Our Blessed Lady, who gave birth and brought up her Son and had the faith and generosity to permit him to make his own way in the world. It was her ‘yes’ to God, uttered on so many occasions, that made our redemption a reality. Dear brothers and sisters; parishioners, brother priests, deacons, fellow religious, teachers, chaplains - please join me in creating and nurturing an atmosphere of priestly vocations in our parishes, schools, colleges and all our associations and activities, through prayer and proactive encouragement of our young people. Through the ministry of new home-grown priests for tomorrow here in our Diocese of Lancaster may those words of the Lord be a reality for the next generation of Catholics, I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full. Finally, I also ask you to support the formation of the three candidates who are already in seminary and in training for our Diocese. Please keep them in your prayers. When they come to your parishes on a pastoral placement, or when you meet them at a diocesan event, do take the opportunity to encourage them. Our seminarians will be your future parish priests. Today there is also a special collection for the Ecclesiastical Education Fund and so I ask you to support this as generously as you are able. With an assurance of my prayers and a blessing, Michael G Campbell OSA Bishop of Lancaster
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 18:46:20 +0000

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