A PASTORS APPRECIATION! What an amazing and special day at - TopicsExpress


A PASTORS APPRECIATION! What an amazing and special day at Trumann First Assembly of God. In the A.M. service our church honored us with a Pastor Appreciation day. I would like to thank everyone for their comments, their cards, their prayers and their love. It has been my privilege and my pleasure to serve in Gods kingdom but especially in the position as Pastor of Trumann First Assembly of God for the last 20 years. I would like to extend A PASTORS APPRECIATION for the greatest church folks any Pastor could wish to serve. There have been a few times over the years where I questioned whether I was living up to the role and responsibility of a Pastor. Ive wondered if my giftings were adequate, Ive wondered if my preaching was effective, and Ive wondered if my attitude fit the calling of my life. Im not sure any Pastor will ever fully know just how effective they are in ministry until we stand before the God of heaven but one thing I do know is that I love what I do and I love the people I serve. To me, ministry is not a job, it is not a position, and it is not a title. It is not about the numbers you run, the office you occupy, or the buildings you build. Ministry is about people, NO THAT IS NOT QUITE RIGHT, ministry is about LOVING PEOPLE. Jesus said, WHEN YOU HAVE DONE IT UNTO THE LEAST OF THESE MY BRETHREN, YOU HAVE DONE IT UNTO ME. Let me interpret that for you in language we can all understand. WHEN YOU LOVE AND MINISTER TO PEOPLE, YOU MINISTER TO CHRIST. Otherwise, when you visit the widow in her home, when you seek to grow people up into a mature faith, when you wrap your arms around those who have been wounded by the enemy, or when you give in an offering that assures people half way around the world will have an opportunity to hear the gospel----YOU ARE IN A VERY REAL SENSE LOVING ON JESUS. Im not just talking about loving the lovable but I am talking about loving all people: The lost and the saved, those who are your supporters and those who are your critics, the sinners in the world and the saved on the pew, those who are faithful to recognize and support your efforts and those who find fault in everything you do. Let me say this and I will close. I will never understand how anyone could ever be effective in ministry without a heart full of Gods Love. That my friend is what brings joy to our ministry. I cant speak for anyone else but I love the interaction God allows me to have with those He has allowed me to Pastor. I love all those God allows to be part of our ministry here in Trumann. I could talk to you about those who have been here for the entire length of my ministry who are as close to me as my own family. I love the young couples that God has brought into the church and I love to see them find their place in the body of Christ. I love the laughter that fills our time of fellowship one with another. I love the compassion that is shown when someone in our church is hurting. I love the excitement I see in the countenance of those who have discovered the wonder of Gods love. I love to see those who rally around those who are struggling and the support they offer. I love having the privilege of joining men and women together in Holy Matrimony. I love watching the eyes of new converts light up when God reveals his Truth to their hearts. I love to watch the children in our church grow up and mature in their faith. I love watching them get involved in the ministries of the church and using their talents and gifts for the kingdom of God. I especially love to see our teenagers when God is moving in their lives and using them to minister to others. I love to hold the babies that are dedicated to the Lord and too see the joy they bring to their parents So today the folks of First Assembly of God church honored us for being their Pastors. I must say that I often feel like I should be the one who is honoring these folks for allowing us to be their Pastors. They have stood strong with us through many a difficult day and for that I will be eternally grateful. To all those who call Trumann First Assembly of God there church, I say thank you. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your commitment. Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your lives and your families. You have the heart felt APPRECIATION OF THIS PASTOR and I am honored to serve you. May God bless and keep you all in His tender care.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 04:50:06 +0000

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