A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WITH SPIRIT The deep vivid blue sky was - TopicsExpress


A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WITH SPIRIT The deep vivid blue sky was so entrancing that I could not pull my eyes from its splendor. For a moment I thought I was seeing things, so I looked harder. It was no hallucination! It was real! The sky around me was full of small, bright percolating balls of light. My gaze become more intent now and this strange fluorescent light was changing shapes, movements and flowing like the movement of water. The air was sparkling! I suddenly realized that this was the type of Cosmic Energy Ive heard people talk about so much. A new excitement came over me. I felt like a small child just learning to walk. I was learning to see, Now I thought I heard voices! Surely not. I tried to push this aside. No, it couldnt be but it was. Deep inside me was a force pushing, sensing filling me with a need to speak, to tell me something. So . . . I listened . . . Behold! I come not as a Savior, God, or Lord, but as a Teacher of Light, as a messenger for the All Highest Creator, Who is the whole of all, THE I AM! Listen with your soul to what I say: All is because of vortexian dan energy. Energy shapes all that ever was created on this earth. The vortex is as a whirlwind, or as a whirlpool in water. As the whirlwind needs air and the whirlpool needs water, so a vortex needs their solutions. There are millions of elements throughout the great expanses of the universe. With The Creators breath, these are blown together forming new worlds. By vortexian power the earth became a ball of fire. To this day, the energy lingers on as warmth for your planet; Without this power, the earth would dissolve. The voice faded, and I thought to myself: Earth was created, but how was life created? The Spirit of Light must have heard my thoughts because the voice began again: There is no need of a seed to spring forth life. With the vortex, the positive energy flowing up from the earth at day, and the negative energy flowing down to the earth at night, and by the motion of external cause, and time, miniature trees and plants spring forth, ever growing larger. This is life! When the plants are created, they focalize toward the light, and this focus is called an eye, and such as were thus quickened Into life without roots or fibres were called animals, and then came man. The eye is the focus to light. The sight of the eye is the beginning of self-creation and inquiring knowledge. The eye is the seed of the Tree of Knowledge. The sight of the eye is a miniature sun, sending forth and receiving vortexian power at the same time. An All-Seeing Eye is the cause and Creator of the whole universe, which is His Person from the time of conception. The energy of spirit sparks new life in the seed of a womans womb, thus creating life. The voice stopped again, as if waiting for me to ask another question, which I did. Does the vortex create the weather on the earth? Yes, energy frequency changes turn water to clouds. Vortex is in a drop of rain. There are steel, iron, and ore substances in the air and clouds. When vortexya meets with these elements in the air it causes thunder and also sparks a fire, thus creating electricity. Vortexian currents surround the earth and when vortexian over-lappings descend to earth, they cause cyclones, whirlwinds and strong weather storm reactions. Energy influences the seasons of the year, and changes temperature, makes a day sunny, cloudy, rainy or snowy. Snowflakes are both the castings and moldings of discordant minor vortexian currents. Energy Is changing constantly night and day, morning and afternoon. As the earth gathers energy, it releases it. A question popped in my head. Ive heard from some friends of mine that sound and color are a vibration. Is vibration energy? The soft voice answered: Yes. Sound and color vortexia vibrate energy. Vortexian currents charge the earth with energy in the east and west, manifesting in the northern pole of vortex, thus creating flames of energy called Borealis. Even rainbows are from the same cause and effect of energy. Each turn of an energy angle produces a different color. There are millions of colors in the universe. A ray of light can be destroyed, but what it was comprised of is still there. I broke in: Is this what happens to man? My teacher answered: All life Is energy and all life dies and changes to a higher frequency of energy, but death of a corporal body is not the end of life. Life is continuous. As corporal to un-corporal, energy changes frequently entering the ethereal worlds, but etherean heavens are not governed by power in or escaping from corporal worlds, yet these unseen worlds have much power and influence on the vortices of corporeal worlds. Corporeal has no power. Their power is brought about by vortexia. Energy ethe from the unseen transforms into the corporeal worlds, like the vortexian energy that moves the planets. In the etherean and atmospherean worlds are movements with seasons and cycles bringing them at times close to earth, where men are greatly inspired by light, and then further from our world where men fall into darkness. This influences people toward many different religions and beliefs! n idea struck me, and I asked: Are the etherean worlds responsible for man and his inventions? All was silent till at last I heard a faint Yes. He spoke again. Men are inspired in many directions for the Good Will of mankind. They are inspired to create ways of working with energy. The Creator Is inspiring man even today, to capture and multiply energy through crystals, varied dimensions and substances, in pyramids and elements, but man has not yet discovered how to use pure vortexian energy for power. An important thing to remember is mans energy of thought and concentration grade needed to open the window of the mind‘s eye to power. Man has the ability to transfer energy through eyes and the holding of hands. Even the trees, the plants and the air can charge a man with energy. When you send thoughts of love to nature, the trees and plants will give energies of healing and love qualities. Beware though because people can drain each other of energy, both because of ill health, opposite types of people, and discordant feelings, emotions and attractive magnetism. In the aged, an old man or old woman can drain the energies and vitality from a small child. The voice stopped, and I immediately grabbed the chance to ask her another question, with the fear that my teacher might leave. So many people believe that their birth signs Influence their lives. Is that how people‘s lives are controlled? Thats where man is wrong, whispered the voice. Man has the tendency to look towards the sun, moon, planets, and stars, forgetting the vortex, even the vortex of his / her own soul. Its the vortexian current which causes the course of the planets and the moon, as in the etherean worlds. Its the vortex which influences people. The sun, stars, moons and planets hold different energy frequencies, due to their make up of elements, densities ad velocities. When vortexian energy flows come in contact with steel, Iron and ore, in these bodies, they become magnetized. Energy is positive and negative and why it is so important to have balance in ones life in food, in daily activities, and to help one harmonize ones own surroundings. The sun, the earth, and other bodies have a vortexian lens which magnify the portion of heat and light to different areas about the globe. This lens helps you see the sun, moon and stars and also has the power of magnifying millions of dense etherean worlds so man can see through them. During the night, you can see meteors and little falling planets. This is caused by broken vortexes. My mind was full of so much wisdom, but there was one thing I wanted to know. Are others like me, able to hear your voice? The wind blew through the trees. I was afraid my teacher had Left . . . but then came the answer. Anyone is capable of hearing and seeing me if they clear their physical and spiritual beings of all unclean foods and thoughts. Animals are close to The Creator. They in-tune themselves to the positive and negative energies. To eat of flesh pulls one away from prophesy. It takes more than cleansing of ones body and spirit to become a prophet. It takes dedication to the All Highest Creator and it means withdrawing ones self away from pleasures of the flesh and materialization in your world. A true prophet is in tune with the vortexian current. All passes through him / her. He sees and feels with his / her soul. The breeze was blowing stronger now and it almost sounded like music through the leaves. My teacher spoke again. I must leave you now, but I leave you with this to remember: Man inquireth of the earth, the rocks, the air, and of all things: Who is this life? This Omnipresent that quickeneth into Life all the living? But none answered him. Then man inquireth of Life: Who art thou, C) life? And the answer cometh to the soul of man: I am Life! I AM the I AM! I AM the Ever Present! All that thou see in earth or heaven, and even the unseen worlds, also are My very Person, I AM THE WHOLE! It cometh to this: Vortexya is unseen power, but it is without sense or judgment. Next back of this standeth the life of every living thing; and next back of all standeth the Creator, Jehovih. All learning, science and religion are but far-off stepping-stones to lead man up to Him. To acknowledge this, and to call on him constantly, is to keep open the road to receive His hand and hear His voice. I blinked my eyes as the world grew vivid about me, the sun shone bright, and the birds were singing ... MY TEACHER WAS GONE
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 09:44:18 +0000

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