A PLEA FOR CHRIST 1 JOHN 1:1-3 – TEXT INTRODUCTION – There - TopicsExpress


A PLEA FOR CHRIST 1 JOHN 1:1-3 – TEXT INTRODUCTION – There are those who from time to time who level accusations against the Lord’s church. They accuse her of being smug, self righteous, legalistic as if we plead with people to come to us instead of Christ. This accusation is unfounded because we only seek for others to have the same fellowship with Christ that we enjoy. Our plea is the same as the apostle John – 1 JN. 1:1-3 - That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life-- 2 the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us-- 3 that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. Jut like the Christians of the 1st century we also strive to have and maintain fellowship with the Father and the Son. Our plea is the same as the apostle Peter – 1 PET. 2:21 - 1 For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps: As long as we humbly serve Christ and remain at the foot of the cross we can call people to Christ. What is our plea? PLEAS FOR CHRIST: I. WE PLEAD FOR THE NAME OF CHRIST – A. MATT. 1:16 – In the beginnings of the gospel we can read of the lineage of Jesus of Nazareth. He got the name Jesus because it means “savior.” MATT. 1:21-23 but he is also called the Messiah and the Christ. Christ is the Greek word for anointed as Messiah is the Hebrew word for anointed one. B. PHIL. 2:9-11 – His name is above every name C. 1 TIM. 6:15 – King of kings D. ACTS 4:12 – There is no other name by which we must be saved. E. JN. 14:6 – If we wish to be reconciled to God it will have to be one his terms. It will have to be thru his Son Jesus our King and Savior. II. WE PLEAD FOR THE PERSON OF CHRIST – A. JN. 1:1, 14 – Jesus the Christ was God and he was also man. B. MATT. 1:23 – Jesus was fully God. C. HEB. 2:14 – Jesus was also fully human D. GAL. 4:4 – Jesus was not an ordinary man like you and me, he was born of a virgin. E. JN. 16:27-28 – Jesus came forth form God the Father F. JN. 6:38 – Jesus came down from heaven this is the Christ for which we plead – this is the Savior whom we serve. III. WE PLEAD FOR THE WORDS OF CHRIST – A. PSA. 119:105 – God’s word provides us direction. It shows us the way to go for salvation and righteousness. B. PSA. 119:89 – God’s word is settled (firm) in heaven – not subject to change or revision. C. JN. 7:16; 17:8 – God’s words were Christ’s words D. JN. 12:48 – Christ words will judge us E. JN. 14:25-26 – There are some among us today who will accept the words of Jesus but will not accept the words of his apostles. F. MK. 16:20 – We know the words of the apostles were God’s words and not their own because God confirmed them. IV. WE PLEAD FOR THE CHURCH OF CHRIST – A. MATT. 16:18 – Jesus promised to build his church and when he promises something it always comes true. B. ACTS 2:41, 47 – A short time later on Pentecost we find the fulfillment of Jesus’ statement as the church was established in ACTS 2. C. ACTS 2:36-41, 47 – Terms for entrance D. PHIL. 1:1 – Made up of saints, bishops (elders), and deacons E. EPH. 1:22-23 – Christ as the head of the one body F. JN. 4:23-24 – Worship with proper motivation (attitude) and mode. G. 1 JN. 1:7 – Extent of fellowship – we must walk in the light. V. WE PLEAD FOR UNITY IN CHRIST – A. JN. 17:20-21 – Jesus prayed that his disciples might be one. B. EPH. 4:1-3 – It takes great effort for unity to exist. C. 1 COR. 1:10 – Paul admonishes the Corinthians to be like minded to speak the same things. D. COL. 3:17 – Whatever we do we should have the approval of Christ and his authority to do it. CONCLUSION – Our plea is for everyone in the sound of our voice to join us in Christ. We can all be united in Christ. To do so we must stand together in our pleas for the Name, the Person, the Words, and the church of our Lord Jesus Christ. Will you join us in our efforts for Christ? Obey Him!!!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 05:43:26 +0000

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