A PLEXUS success story......22 days on Plexus (with a vacation in - TopicsExpress


A PLEXUS success story......22 days on Plexus (with a vacation in the middle) I have lost 15 lbs using Plexus Slim for a total of 22lbs lost. Heres the beginning to my weight-loss story, confident for the first time in a long time that there will be more to come. Ive struggled along with most of my extended family members to lose weight most of my life. For my household we have gone to a very clean eating lifestyle, lots of veggies and fruits, whole foods, we dont do pop or sugary snacks except for parties or fun night. Even with having the best sources of food available I struggled to lose even a few pounds. Desperate and getting ready for a long overdue (22 years) honeymoon with my dear hubby I contacted my dr. that had an hcg program. Determined to lose at least 20 pounds I did hcg injections and a 500 calorie diet for 21 days. I lost 16.8 pounds. On the 21st day, 4 days before our trip, I was coming undone and didnt want to do it any longer. My hormones were fried, PMS unbearable (hcg messes a bit with girls cycle - if you didnt know). It was that day that I overheard a friend telling another friend about Plexus Slim. Another friend piped in with her Plexus results and without changing her diet much lost almost as much as I did in about the same time frame (while I was eating 500 calories). Of course I checked it out, all natural ingredients - woot -check! I proceeded to buy a 3 day trial. I was nervous, I just lost over 16 pounds doing 500 calories a day..how was this going to work if I eat more than that. Day 1 & 2 - I ate healthy food, drank my water and was down over 3lbs! Floored I went back to my friends, bought more product, told some friends and did 2 more days. By the morning of day 4th day, I had lost 5.6 lbs..ing off of hcg in 4 days time all while eating healthy whole foods and a normal of amount of calories for me - this was awesome! I proceeded to go on vacation and did not take the product (wish I would have). I gained back a few lbs, well more than a few like 10 (I know, my bad). A couple of cocktails and salty food my body does not like change like that at all. Started back on the Plexus 10 days later and have done Plexus for the last 18 days consecutively. I am down over 10lbs. So my totals:. a little confusing but I write it down everyday. 22 total days of plexus = 15.6lbs. Total loss since I started losing weight 22.4lbs. Not that Im bragging that you can eat what you want...not me...ever. But we had pizza once, I baked cookies for fathers day and enjoyed those and Ive actually eaten a healthy amount of calories with good food choices. What I love about Plexus is that it makes it so easy for me! I dont have cravings or experience up and down hunger or crashes, I just feel even all the time. I can take or leave the food - That is powerful! I feel amazing, energy doubled, PMS - nonexistent! Calmer, no anxiety, less pain from an old injury...I see people claim these things all the time about this product and finally I am a 100% believer. It is amazing how your body responds when you balance your blood sugar! For me this product is a game changer in my life and health. I am so excited and so thankful for all the support and encouragement my family and plexus friends have given me. Blessings upon you. Holly Another Plexus success story.... http:laurimiller.myplexusproducts
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 02:28:47 +0000

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