A PRECIOUS ONE LEFT US, BUT NOT OUR MEMORY. A TRIBUTE TO MAMA BOSE. With each passing year, my world and understandably yours, is becoming more predictably uncertain. Our lives are constantly overrun by worries of surprise and suspense, challenges and restiveness, threatening and cowardice. The only certainty we all commonly shared and have to bear with is death. Yet, this certainly inevitable visitor is forever lingers in our minds as imaginary and sometimes a mere mirage. “It was with great sorrow and grief that I had to courageously tell you, having realized that you have not been informed, and could not aptly interpret the atmosphere around my tensed and shattered mood tonight,” mum said to me intermittently. There, I unconsciously sprang out, and said, “mum, I just told you that your friend is recuperating and have even been discharged this evening, I have no idea what re’ you talking about.” After a long silenced, mum put to me that “It has happened, the irreversible has visited us, Allah ya karbe mama Bose, mama is gone forever” There, I was completely numbed. So as usual, I mustered a prayer reciting Innalillahi wa’inna ilahi rajiuun. I then suddenly cast my mind back to what the nurse that nursed her until her death a while ago just told me. That is “Mallam, mama is at home resting, just been discharged” This thought of the nurse’s action of not telling the sudden death of mama impromptu was about exacerbating my situation until mum came in defense of the nurse, that mama Bose is indeed at home, finally at rest. So there I realized that the nurse was just playing the script of the character which she truly is - a nurse. So I buried the hatchet. My mind was already weeping heavily, resonating all sort of restless within, while mum continue to extol the virtue of her late friend. She spoke much about their friendship, strong family ties and neighbourhood among others. Her generosity and straightforwardness, trust, supportive and accommodating face is not gain saying. Then mum concluded saying “Mama Bose will be highly remembered” I then said “yes, because she has accentuated the lives of many in the course of her life.” Aside that, mama has been a bridge builder in our community, she has all this while stood far above regional and ethno-religious divide in all her dealings with people. Mamas struggle with fibromyoma has now come to an end, it has finally culminated to her migration to the eternal abode. Until her death, she frequently visits and keep ties with many families irrespective of their ethnic background and faith. She is indeed not only a detribalized woman of substance worthy of emulation by all but also a beacon of light to many people around her. Maman Bose is an Edo woman, born as Marry Obende in 1960. I came to know her as mum’s friend while growing up as a child in early nineties. I can’t say exactly when that was, but certainly, it predates my age of recalling certain referential events. I heard that they were friends since late eighties. The regard and loyalty they held each other is enormously high. Growing up, I can still remember how frequent she visits my house, attending women group meetings with mum in my presence. My family used to involve her in many of our affairs in many such ways like discipline, schooling, shopping etc. When it comes to ceremonies, mama bose always stood with mum from planning to the end. We are definitely going miss a lot from you ma. Mama you a stable and open minded woman who cordially relate well with people. This is evidenced by the large turn up of men, women and children paying condolence to your husband, Baba Balogun and the family. People are trooping into your house to eulogize y you from morning to night every day since your demise on Friday 21st March 2014. You are such a generous woman that live for others, in fact generosity is your style of winning pupils’ mind to your side, while you are serving as matron/guide and counsellor in success Academy Primary and secondary school, Yola. Mama, although you have not being opportune to seeing your grandchildren as you always wished, but rest assured, a message of pride already awaits them. They will be told that they were all descendants of such a great woman, whom have touched the lives of many individuals and also brought succour to many despaired homes. As you finally leave to the world beyond, personally, I will greatly miss your jokey company, motherly advice and prayers. I truly miss you mama, but I am a bit pacified by the continuing friendship and the family ties of your children, Dada, Simpa, Bose, Tunde and Hannah. Lie among the highly remembered. Goodbye mama.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 17:01:24 +0000

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