A PRODUCT OF MISTAKE: A SEED OF MIRACLE Hello Family, Permit me to start by apologising for my seeming absentism, brothers and sisters, e no easy! It is no news that many of us know that one of the greatest breakthroughs in the world of medicine was the discovery of the deadly malaria cure- penicillin. Penicillin was a product of mistake or better still accident, but went on to prove miraculous. Often times we look back and regret so many actions and decisions we had taken....we wished we never did, we brand them mistakes, but then, have we ever taken a cursory look at those mistakes and find out how best they could have impacted us? I know one of my Brothers friend, a lady, she got pregnant while they were in primary 6, that was a life wrecking mistake, and yes she dropped out, and had a baby boy. Today, that baby boy, a seeming product of mistake, is on the verge of becoming a medical doctor....a perfect seed of miracle that would bring healing to many. Dear friends, whenever you make a mistake, no matter how grave it seem, never kill yourself over it, look for its miracle seed. Putting it succinctly: When you make a mistake, there are 3 things you should do about it... 1. Admit it 2. Learn from it 3. Never repeat the same mistake Of cos a repeated mistake may never really grow to be a miracle. Above all, never be afraid of trying something new, your mistakes could be the seed of miracle the world is searching for. Do have a lovely weekend. Akinte Cares! Securing our Generation
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 11:03:17 +0000

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