A PROPHETIC MOMENT! A FRESH PROPHETIC WORD FROM THE LORD!! GET ACQUAINTED WITH THE UNLIMITED POWER OF GOD, TO MAKE THE DIFFERENCE IN LIFE!!! My child is anything too hard for me? Why then do you look at the things that you cannot do instead of the things that I can do? For as you look at your own limitations you overlook my boundless ability. For as I created this world with the breath of my mouth, so also am I able to create miracles in your situation. As you look at your resources and abilities, you will always feel like you are coming up short. You will always feel that you lack and are not able to meet the standard. But my child, I did not call you to live up to your own standard but mine. I did not call you to walk in your own ability, but in my power. For you can only do so much in yourself and then your resources run dry. My power and resources though will never run dry. I will always have more to give you. So why struggle with your limitation? Grab hold of my limitless power instead. Let go of your weaknesses and your failed attempts then. Let go of your inability to reach the goals. Then grab hold of my hand and I will take you to the goals. Where your abilities end, mine will start and I will surely lead you further and higher than you have ever been, says the Lord. Psalms 68:11 The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it. IF YOU HAVE BEEN IN ONE WAY OR THE OTHER BLESSED BY THIS PROPHECTIC MINISTRATION, AND FEEL LED TO SUPPORT IT IN ANY WAY IN ORDER TO KEEP IT MOVING FORWARD, CONTACT THE ADDRESS BELOW. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT TO THIS INTERNATIONAL PROPHETIC MINISTRIES. TO CONTACT THE BISHOP HERE ARE HIS CONACT ADDRESS BELOW: GODWIN OSABUOHIEN OSAGIEDE. 11 BP 2705 ABIDJAN 11. COTE D’IVOIRE - IVORY COAST. WEST AFRICA. TELEPHONE: +22544376325 EMAIL: bishopgodwin@religious
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 10:34:49 +0000

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