A PROPHETIC MOMENT! A FRESH PROPHETIC WORD FROM THE LORD!! IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO GUARD, THE FIELD OF YOUR HEART, AGAINST THE WORK OF THE ENEMY. SAYS THE LORD!!! Just as a farmer plants his seeds in the hope of harvest, so also have you invested much into my Kingdom, says the Lord. However, the farmer does not leave the field to itself. He fertilizes it and makes sure that it is watered. He does not walk away and rest until harvest, but he looks over his field at all times. Yes, it is for me to bring the increase and soon the seeds will come to life. However, if you want a bountiful harvest, you too must watch over your fields my child. For there are foxes that would come and eat the tender grapes. There are worms that would come and eat up the good things that you have sown. These are a picture of the curses and bitterness in your life. And although the seed you sowed was good and you sowed with abundance, the enemy has sought to come and eat up the things you have sown. Watch your fields, my child! See each area of your life where you have sown and guard your heart against the work of the enemy. For he will try to make you angry or he will try to open doors in your life that would come to steal, kill and destroy. My child, you have the authority to overcome. You have the power to remove the foxes and to kill the worms in your life. As you do this warfare, you will see those seeds come to life once again. For I will surely bring the increase for the seeds that remain. However, watch that your seeds do indeed remain! Make sure that they are planted in good soil and not eaten by the birds of the air. All you must do is guard your fields my child. Guard the field of your heart against anger or guilt. Guard your heart against rebellion or fear. Then put your faith in me. Put your joy in me and speak forth the abundance to that field. Speak forth abundance on the seeds you have sown and watch as I send the rain to cause them to flourish. For I desire blessing for you my child and not cursing. So be aware of the works of the enemy. Be aware of his plan for you and overcome him using my authority. Then surely you will see the seeds blossom and the blessing start to flow once again, says the Lord. Psalms 68:11 The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it. IF YOU HAVE BEEN IN ONE WAY OR THE OTHER BLESSED BY THIS PROPHECTIC MINISTRATION, AND FEEL LED TO SUPPORT IT IN ANY WAY IN ORDER TO KEEP IT MOVING FORWARD, CONTACT THE ADDRESS BELOW. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT. BISHOP OSAGIEDE GODWIN OSABUOHIEN 11 BP 2705 ABIDJAN 11. COTE D’IVOIRE - IVORY COAST. WEST AFRICA. TELEPHONE: +22544376325 EMAIL: bishopgodwin@religious FOR MORE PERSONAL PROPHETIC WORD AND SPECIAL PRAYERS, YOU CAN INBOX ME. BUT I SOME TIMES FIND IT DIFFICUT TO REPLY THOSE WHO INBOX ME. TO ALL THOSE WHO WILL WANT ME TO PRAY OR BRING THEM PROPHETIC WORD, COULD SENT ME A FRIENDS REQUESTS. I WILL CONFIRM THEIR FRIENDSHIP AND COMMUNICATE WITH THEM WHAT GOD LAID IN MY HEART.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 01:19:45 +0000

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