A PROPHETIC MOMENT! A FRESH PROPHETIC WORD FROM THE LORD!! Now it is time for you to step forward. Now it is time for you to take what I have given you and to stand boldly in my name. Says the lord Jesus Christ!!! This day I am sending forth a trumpet call, says the Lord. I am calling all my mighty warriors to arms to come and stand as one. You have been hidden away for a long time, says the Lord, but now it is time for you to step forward. Now it is time for you to take what I have given you and to stand boldly in my name. I want you to rise up and join hands so that together you can take the land that I have been preparing for some time now. As my mighty warriors, the leaders I have been training up, rise up in unity, a mighty shockwave will be sent through the earth. Many will be shaken and will be brought to conviction so that they can join you in the fight against the enemy in this world. I have given you the authority to tread on serpents and on scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. First you must rise up and shake off any last trace of the hold he has had in you. Then you will be ready to take the land by storm. This is the warfare you are facing right now. I have drowned the enemy and as you have crossed the Red Sea you are now ready to enter into the journey I have had for you all along. As you press on forward you will leave behind the ways of the old. Everything that was of Egypt will be removed so that you can follow my ways, and my ways alone, says the Lord. So do not be surprised if I take you through a time of testing, a time of cleansing and a time of refining your calling, says the Lord. For the land that lies ahead is big. The land that lies ahead requires my mighty warriors to stand in my spirit and as they do, they will stand in my unity and shake the kingdom of darkness like never before. Psalms 68:11 The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it. IF YOU HAVE BEEN IN ONE WAY OR THE OTHER BLESSED BY THIS PROPHECTIC MINISTRATION, AND FEEL LED TO SUPPORT IT IN ANY WAY IN ORDER TO KEEP IT MOVING FORWARD, CONTACT THE ADDRESS BELOW. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT TO THIS INTERNATIONAL PROPHETIC MINISTRIES. GODWIN OSABUOHIEN OSAGIEDE (BISHOP.) 11 BP 2705 ABIDJAN 11. COTE D’IVOIRE - IVORY COAST. WEST AFRICA. TELEPHONE: +22544376325 EMAIL: bishopgodwin@religious
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 16:43:09 +0000

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