A PROPHETIC MOMENT! A FRESH PROPHETIC WORD FROM THE LORD!! WHEN ELIJAH SAW THE CLOUD THE SIZE OF A MAN’S FIST, HE BEGAN TO RUN, BECAUSE HE KNEW THAT THE RAIN WAS COMING!!!! Have you ever watched a rain cloud fill up? It is a slow and deliberate process. Bit by bit the water is drawn upwards with the sun until that cloud is saturated and begins to fall to the ground. In the same way I have heard your prayers and they have gathered before me as rain clouds. As you have been diligent to seek me and pray to me, I have gathered them as the sun gathers the water vapor. At first you did not see anything and you became discouraged, but now I tell you to look up my child and see that the rain is coming! When Elijah saw the cloud the size of a mans fist, he began to run, because he knew the rain was coming. In the same way my child begin to run because the rain of my solutions, blessings and breakthroughs are coming on your life. Every drought and desert in your land will receive abundant blessings from me. Says the lord. I have heard your prayers and all that you have invested is about to bring forth the fruit that I promised. So do not grow weary in doing good. Do not grow weary in your race, but put more effort in than ever before! Then you will see that I have truly heard your prayers and answered them in ways that you could not imagine. You will see that I have not left you, but that I have been working a plan on your behalf for some time now. So gird up your loins and run! Prepare for the rain and my blessing. Step out in faith, knowing that I am there to carry you. Step out knowing that you are in the palm of my hand. For it is this step of faith that will be the catalyst to start the rain falling. Put aside your fears and struggles. Put aside your confusion and doubt. Hold on only to me and you will see that I am a good God and that I am here to pick you up and meet all of the needs of your heart says the Lord. Psalms 68:11 The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it. IF YOU HAVE BEEN IN ONE WAY OR THE OTHER BLESSED BY THIS PROPHECTIC MINISTRATION, AND FEEL LED TO SUPPORT IT IN ANY WAY IN ORDER TO KEEP IT MOVING FORWARD, CONTACT THE ADDRESS BELOW. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT. BISHOP OSAGIEDE GODWIN OSABUOHIEN 11 BP 2705 ABIDJAN 11. COTE D’IVOIRE - IVORY COAST. WEST AFRICA. TELEPHONE: +22544376325 EMAIL: bishopgodwin@religious FOR MORE PERSONAL PRAYERS, YOU CAN INBOX ME. BUT I SOME TIMES FIND IT DIFFICUT TO REPLY THOSE WHO INBOX ME. TO ALL THOSE WHO WILL WANT ME TO PRAY THEM, COULD SENT ME A FRIENDS REQUESTS. I WILL CONFIRM THEIR FRIENDSHIP AND WE WILL PRAY FOR YOU AND YOUR REQUESTS.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 06:33:49 +0000

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