A PROPHETIC MOMENT! A FRESH PROPHETIC WORD FROM THE LORD!! IGNORE THE DARK CLOUDS OF LIFE, AND FIX YOUR EYES ON THE GOALS AHEAD. SAYS THE LORD JESUS!!!! Although the clouds are thick and dark around you, I am right here by your side, says the Lord. For yes, the fire may be hot right now and the waters may overflow you, but my hand is not too short to reach you. My hand is not to short to touch you and pull you out of the heat! Do not focus on the storms around you, put fix your eyes on the goal ahead. for the fire is there to make you shine. The storm is there to lift you higher and to equip you to withstand more. I am making you into my mighty warrior. I am making you into my star! Trust in me and fix your eyes on what lies ahead, says the Lord. Expand your vision and do not only look at what is happening right now but look at what is in the future. There is more that I have for you. There is more that I have called you to my child. Fix your eyes on me and on the goal ahead this day, says the Lord. I told Abraham, when Lot departed from him, to look as far as his eyes can see, when he looked he saw, and I gave him everything, as far as his eyes could see. In the same way, I am telling you to day, to look into my word, my promises, as far as your eyes of faith can see. And I will give you everything to you see by faith . says the lord. Psalms 68:11 The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it. IF YOU HAVE BEEN IN ONE WAY OR THE OTHER BLESSED BY THIS PROPHECTIC MINISTRATION, AND FEEL LED TO SUPPORT IT IN ANY WAY IN ORDER TO KEEP IT MOVING FORWARD, CONTACT THE ADDRESS BELOW. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT. BISHOP OSAGIEDE GODWIN OSABUOHIEN 11 BP 2705 ABIDJAN 11. COTE D’IVOIRE - IVORY COAST. WEST AFRICA. TELEPHONE: +22544376325 EMAIL: bishopgodwin@religious FOR MORE PERSONAL PROPHETIC WORD AND SPECIAL PRAYERS, YOU CAN INBOX ME. BUT I SOME TIMES FIND IT DIFFICUT TO REPLY THOSE WHO INBOX ME. TO ALL THOSE WHO WILL WANT ME TO PRAY OR BRING THEM PROPHETIC WORD, COULD SENT ME A FRIENDS REQIESTS. I WILL CONFIRM THEIR FRIENDSHIP AND COMMUNICATE WITH THEM WHAT GOD LAID IN MY HEART.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 17:19:47 +0000

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