A PROPOSAL TO THE PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT bmirabona10k@yahoo Metro - TopicsExpress


A PROPOSAL TO THE PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT bmirabona10k@yahoo Metro Manila is the center of power and the financial hub of the entire nation, national government offices and the head offices of the financial institution and most of the manufacturing zone are located here. The Metro Manila Area is home to the 10% to 12% of the entire population of the nation. There are many efforts to decongest the metro particularly the resettlement of the informal settlers but these efforts has not been materializing. We have problems in corruptions all over the country for decades and it’s getting worse. More recent is the PORK BARREL SCAM, all politicians from the mayor of a municipality to the governor of a province, the representative of the district, the senators and even the head of the executive has knowledge of the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure or KALAKARAN) in the infrastructures project of the Government and even they know they are not doing any actions about it. The PDAF Scam of Ms. Janet Napoles is focus on the soft project of the PDAF (PDAF has two category the hard projects for infrastructure projects which 40/70 of the PDAF and the soft projects which is 30/70 of the total PDAF). We know that the hard projects of the PDAF is corrupted through SOP/KALAKARAN and here comes the PDAF scam of Napoles which is involving the other half of the funds. The reason that the Govt. Is reluctant to abolish the Pork Barrel is the economic impact that will be lose in not expending the allocated budget. A PISO expend can be triple in an economic atmosphere, but the PDAF system is so corrupted that we do not know how many percentage is injected to the economy by the proper use of it (uses of funds directly reaching the poor) and how many are wasted through corruptions. Our Proposal is for the abolition of the PDAF and allocating the annual PDAF budget of 24 Billion Pesos for 5 to 10 years to a PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP (PPP plus a new government agency similar to the mandate of MMDA) that will create a new COMMUNITY/CITY in the Mindanao area or the Palawan area to rival Singapore. Creating a new COMMUNITY/CITY can solved the problem of decongestion in the Metro Manila Area and also establishing a secondary centre of Economic hubs next to Metro Manila, Metro Cebu and Davao city eliminating all the problems and weakness of the said Metro Communities since this new community will be plan as a Mega City. In these modern times COMMUNITIES are not born from a family, COMMUNITIES is invented. The logic of creating a new COMMUNITY/CITY is for our nation to be re birth, this new city can give us hope and pride. It can be the Hope for us to start the revolution against corruption, where in this new community every one can start a new life, a new system and the most important one, this hope can unite us all Filipinos. When this City rise this can give us pride, we Filipinos are known for our hospitality that when this city of ours opens we will show the world how great we Filipinos are (when the city open to the world it can host an international event). There are two preferably locations available, one of the purposes (economic) is to rival Singapore. Singapore drew its income through its facilitation of the world’s products since its location is strategically located along the Malaca Strait making it the logistic hub of Asia to the world. The two locations would be in Mindanao (Zamboanga Peninsula) and Palawan. For political purpose choosing Mindanao for the new City will make the way for the peaceful stability of the region, entrusting our brothers Muslim this new community and resources will show good faith in our intensions of ending our decades conflict (this city also is the symbol of our unity since this is an inter faith community).
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 11:47:04 +0000

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