A Page From My Journal: So, how many times did you cry through - TopicsExpress


A Page From My Journal: So, how many times did you cry through FROZEN? I cried twice as many times watching it the second time, tonight, at home. Than I did watching it for the first time at the theatre. Maybe, because I missed a third of it having to run to the car to find Teddy s bottle, only to not know where Terry parked the car and having to rely on the three-musketeers X-ray vision to help me locate it. Only to find out that the bottle in the car was completely sucked dry of all its chocolate milk content, to then have to stand in line after taking all five munchkins to the bathroom to buy 35 dollars worth of coke( to put in the bottle )as well as candy for the non- bottle drinkers. To then herd all six of us through a very dark theatre with coke and candy in tow to finally collapse in my seat beside my darling husband and sweet Summer-Joy. And although I suspected that I had missed the climax I did manage to thank God for Terrys cheerful face as he looked my way.. thankful that he didnt have the nerve to ask me what I would have asked him, What took you so long? Nope, you can count on Terry to just sit back and relax ... a trait Ive always admired AND resented at times. AAHH that brings me to what I wanted to post about, wow, The Lord works in mysterious ways... Some of us are born relaxed and others just have to work on it! When I was a young girl about eleven years of age my mom would take me to Clearwater Beach to hear the calypso music. I was the only child that wanted to trek that thirty minute drive but I knew that on the way home she would stop and buy me a blueberry milkshake. She made it worth my while and so week after week wed don our swimsuits and head out! We didnt talk a lot we didnt need to. What she did ask of me was to dance with her on the cement patio of this beautiful hotel as the Calypso musicians played on. She once wanted to be a professional dancer and I enjoyed dancing with her. The band that played the drums and amazed the crowd with a limbo show were very talented and well paid. They watched me grow from a pre- teen to a lovely teen for three years as my mom and I would dance our Sundays away. As she suspected ,one day, her little girl would grow up and the attention from this very warm and friendly band was no longer innocent. So, our Sunday dancing stopped. Oh, we still went to the beach, wed just enjoy the music from afar. I cant say I missed dancing on that hotel patio, those guys WERE starting to give me the creeps but what I did miss was seeing my mothers beautiful face as she smiled the whole time she danced! I would give anything, except my family,to see that face now! Fast forward-thirty years later. One day my mother calls me to tell me, Peachy, please pray for me, I have ovarian cancer. For the next two years she battles this demon with every fiber in her. They manage it with chemo but the baseball size tumor wont dissolve. She goes to me for prayer many times but then she finally and desperately puts me in a position to hear from God. I can only pass along to her what Ive been taught for the last 20 years. Every Sunday, just like old times, I would spend up to four hours with her on the phone. We laughed, we cried and then I would share. She would listen so intently as if I was hearing from God every hour on the hour! Finally, one Christmas, Terry and I would take a sudden trip to Puerto Rico to see her. I wasnt at all alarmed that God was having us drop everything on Brittany and Hunters shoulders as we left for three days. I assumed it was a trip far too overdue! She looked great except for her baldness and she walked our legs off!! Up and down Old San Juans cobblestone streets. She shopped while we ate. On the last day we had a serious sit down with her to find out what was really going on with her body. The diagnosis was still the same. Of course, we prayed. As I watched her drive away from the airport curb side I had no gut feelings about anything. Life was good and I was glad to be getting back to my munchkins! Our Sunday afternoon chats continued. She and I were closer than ever. And then it happened. I got fearful. Fear walked in and following close behind was Religion. I felt that I must dig deeper as to why she was not being healed. All I had heard in church and in all my super spiritual books was that she had opened a door. I was desperate to get to the bottom of it and the next Sunday I would ask her a million personal questions. You can only imagine how hopeful she was. She had no problem answering every last question. And then the D word came up. I put it like a four letter word because by now I was good and religionized. Over these past twenty years and away from my mothers influence I was now being taught that shaking your booty was oh so wrong. My mother must have felt the judgment in my question as she answered yes. Mama, you must stop, this is THE door!! Taking a stand: She went on to explain that this was the fun outdoor dancing that we enjoyed at the beach all those years ago. I was silent at first but later as the weeks went by I continued to hound her for this evil extra curricular activity, that she would defensively call EXCERCISE. Finally, she stopped calling me. At first I thought it was a mistake so I tried to reach HER but my number had been blocked. For two years I never received another call from her, my heart turned to stone and I put up a front to my husband and my children, so that they would not feel sorry for me. She later would lay in a coma having suffered a serious fall alone in her bathroom. I stood beside her hospital bed and told her what I should have told her two years earlier. Mama, I believe in my heart that you can hear me and I want you to know that all those times that I disqualified you, I was wrong.. You were worthy then and your worthy NOW! It is Jesus that bore your sin and sickness not your good works.., Mama you ARE sooo worthy! And though God gave me another chance this time delivering GOOD NEWS she died anyways never to smile that beautiful smile as we danced. Now, please hear me, I am not sharing another sad story to get your sympathy. As a matter of fact, where there was once religion there is now TRUTH! My love for the Body of Christ is like the Apostle John when he said, I pray above all things that your soul may prosper as you prosper and be in good health. Dont let religion tell you that the Blood of Jesus is not enough because it is!!! Your healing is dependent on you KNOWING not - you DOING! So accept the words that I wish I would have first said to my mother all those conversations ago, by His Stripes You are healed in the name Of Jesus Christ! And lets just leave it at that-shall we?
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 09:27:44 +0000

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