A Pair of Pennies By now, youve all surely heard about the - TopicsExpress


A Pair of Pennies By now, youve all surely heard about the tragic suicide of Robin Williams. Let me start off by saying that I had no real deep connection to him. I liked some of his work, sure, same as everybody. But this isnt about him. Not really. His isnt the first suicide of someone famous and popular, and sadly, wont be the last. Im sure nothing Im about to say hasnt already been said more eloquently by people far more knowledgeable than me, but nevertheless, I feel like doing some writing here. Ive heard it said, with some frequency, that suicide is selfish. The thing about that is, it doesnt always just come from a place of wanting ones own suffering to end. The voice of Depression will do its damnedest to convince you that youd be doing the world a favour by simply disappearing. It will try to frame it as a selfless act, that your continued existence only brings misery to others. Thats the insidious part of it. Depression lies to you. It will attack you at your weakest, when youre most vulnerable. Its playing a rigged game with you. It cheats. It knows your greatest fears and insecurities and wont hesitate to exploit them. Depression will try to convince you that youre completely alone in the world. Sometimes theres a reason for Depression. Oftentimes, theres not. It just sort of is. Maybe its a bit clichéd, but always remember this: Youre never alone in this world. Everything that youre worried about can be fixed. Im not going to push you to get help of some sort, I understand how difficult that bit can be. There will come a time when youre truly ready, and pushing you to take action before then wont help. But, please, dont suffer alone and in silence. Dont let Depression win. Do what you have to in order to keep going. Find something to latch onto and keep that in your heart. Find the joy in doing something that keeps your mind off of dark thoughts. Help someone else with their burdens and yours will seem less pressing. Yes, theres people who have it worse than you, but that doesnt mean your troubles are non-existent. Its okay to acknowledge that youve got something bothering you, no matter how frivolous it may seem in the grand scheme of things. Whatever you do, please, dont let your last act in the world be one that will cause so much grief. And trust me, it will. Even if you dont always think it, a lot of people care about you. The world is a better place with you in it. Yes, all of you. Anyway, I have to get up early tomorrow. Thats probably enough rambling for now. Good night, and much love to all of you out there.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 02:01:48 +0000

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