A Paradigm Shift Have you ever been called to step outside of - TopicsExpress


A Paradigm Shift Have you ever been called to step outside of your comfort zone, into an unknown, totally unfamiliar area, by blind faith? Did you fight it at first, for fear of rejection or failure? Maybe wondering what would people think or say and how would they respond? What if they didnt respond...would I be able follow through without their approval? I have and the longer I refused to address the issue, the more uncomfortable my life became. Once I took the leap of faith and stepped out, it allowed me to start stepping out in other areas as well. It started a much needed paradigm shift in my spiritual life, that has been so dramatic and radical. Its became the start of a whole new way of thinking, having a fresh new perspective, other than my own. A paradigm shift, that has brought me out from under the overwhelming oppressiveness that I was allowing to endorse my thoughts, attitudes, feelings and behavior. Obsessive ways of thinking. were challenged to overcome the obstacles, that had held me back far too long. Possessiveness of habits that were literally killing me, physically, emotionally and spiritually, I was challenged to truly let go of. It was the beginning of many aha moments to revelations of Gods truth, of who I am in Him and the fact that I do matter and can make a difference...by being the change, or at least part of it, that I so desired to see. Mentally I was living as an impoverished and destitute Christian, stuck under the crushing thumb of the enemys toxic lies, tormented by taunting trials of every sort, making it harder to endure the daily physical pain. It didnt seem to matter how intelligibly or humbly I pursued Gods holiness in prayer and bible reading, until the dead knowledge stored up in my mind, sunk down and slipped into my heart, allowing God to breathe new life into me, awakening His holy spirits power within me, to witness to my spirit. A paradigm shift that has been affording me the wisdom I need, to articulate all that wells up within my spirit. Giving me the ability to express lucidly and sometimes even eloquently, what I experience while in my times of refreshing, in the presence of my Lord and Savior. This paradigm shift is still revolutionizing my thinking, still cleaning up and fine tuning my sight to see with a clearer, healthier spiritual perception. It has changed my talk and given it it legs to walk, my thinking and longing has turned into doing. Most times, what I once seen as inconvenience, I now see as chances to act in obedience. I cant take any credit for this paradigm shift in my life. I was desperately close to giving up, tossing in the towel, letting go of the last tread of hope and God lovingly had pity on me AGAIN. He reached down and tenderly, lovingly drew me to His bosom and ever so gently showed me my erring ways, that were putting me in perilous danger, some of which were self imposed, spiritually dangerous positions of vulnerability. Im glad He had a firm hold of me there on His lap, held closely to His Abba Father heart of love for me, because even His truth was a bit hard to swallow. Do I now have all the answers? Heck No..I never will. Is life now hassle free, pain free, void of trials? Not even close, but a Godly perspective makes lifes bumps easier to handle. Nonetheless sometimes we have to hurt to heal. Sometimes we need to be totally drained in order to be retrained. We need for help to be out of selfs own range, in order to really reach out to allow God to come in and change, in a way that rearranges our lives with a Paradigm Shift. Gail Martin, Nov. 12, 2013
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 13:44:56 +0000

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