A Parents Twas the Night before Christmas. Twas the night - TopicsExpress


A Parents Twas the Night before Christmas. Twas the night before Christmas, and all through our home, No one was stirring, except mom and dad who were all alone. None of the stockings hung by the chimney with care, The kids played with them all week, so the mantle was bare. Mommy in her pajamas preparing for Christmas day, While Daddy assembled all the toys so the kids could play right away. They tried so hard to get the kids in their beds, While their mile long to-do list spun in their heads. When down in the playroom arose such a noise, Dad said Those kids better not be awake playing with toys! Mom peeked in the kids’ rooms, they had finally dozed off to sleep. So they both tip-toed downstairs, trying not to make a peep. Expecting toys all jumbled and strewn on the floor, Just another mess to clean up before either could snore. When what to their “sleepless” and “tired” eyes did appear, But a man cleaning toys and a vacuum pushed by a reindeer. The jolly old man so lively and quick, they knew in a moment he must be St. Nick. They couldnt believe how his helpers they came, He whistled, and shouted, and called them by name: Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now Prancer and Vixen! On, Comet! on, Cupid! on, Donder and Blitzen! To the dishes piled high! To the dust on the floor! Now clean away! clean away! Clean away some more! The house was sparkling, thanks to that reindeer swarm, & Santa told us to sit & handed mom and dad a mug that was warm. He said not to worry the house was all set to go, He had piles of toys that would make the children smile and say woah. Moms and Dads need to enjoy the spirit of Christmas too, just like the good boys and girls in their house effortlessly do. Those little ones grow with a blink & a flash, So when the wrapping paper starts flying, please dont think of the trash. Think of the memories piling ever so high, and the magic of reindeer that can fly through the sky. This special time only comes once a year, So spend all the moments of Christmas with joy and jolly good cheer. A wink of Santas eye and a loving pat on our heads, Soon gave us to know that we had nothing to dread. Santa spoke no more words but a hug he did embrace, Mommy and Daddy felt better, they now understood that Christmas is not a race. It was now time to say good-bye and part ways, For Santa was needed to help other mommies and daddies learn how to spend the holidays. To all the moms and dads out there who try to do it all just so right, Merry Christmas to All and remember to sleep tight.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 13:58:09 +0000

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