A ‘Peoples Climate Change March’ Versus The Reality of Global - TopicsExpress


A ‘Peoples Climate Change March’ Versus The Reality of Global Cooling By Theodore White, astrometeorologist.Sci One of the saddest things to see is when people join together in an effort to change what they cannot, while at the same time, failing to gather together to change what they actually can. Nothing is truer of this statement than when it comes to climate change. For instance, on Sunday, September 21, 2014, hundreds of thousands of people are expected to take to the streets of New York, London and eight other cities globally in an effort to pressure world leaders to take action on man-made global warming. Nonetheless, I continue to state as a forecaster that what is called ‘man-made global warming’ is impossible and that is because of the facts of elementary physics. To believe in ‘man-made global warming,’ is to believe that pink elephants can fly. There’s no complex argument required. Everything that we all do, every second of our lives, revolves around physics and the weather and climate are governed by those physical laws. Nothing has changed. At 1 p.m. on Sunday, tens of thousands of demonstrators in Manhattan are expected to make as much noise as they can — with whistles, trumpets, even the tolling of church bells — to raise an alarm about the risks of climate change. Similar demonstrations are planned across the United States and in 161 other countries. Protesters are coming from across the country and around the world to join in on the event. There are even two Climate Trains that have traveled from California to New York, making stops along the way to pick up green riders in Denver, Chicago, Reno, and Omaha. While on board, concerned citizens - which included a group of Buddhist Nuns - have taken part in climate seminars, information sessions, meet and greets, etc. In addition to Sunday’s march in New York, there will be hundreds of events ranging from seminars to family activities to documentary screenings to faith meetings. Meanwhile, foreign activists are participating in their own climate-related events to coincide with the New York gathering. London is expecting over 10,000 activists to march through the city on Sunday. On Saturday, residents of Berlin tried to set a new world record for the longest plastic bag chain in history, to bring awareness to the effect of plastic on the environment. Similar events will be held in Delhi, Jakarta, and Rio de Janeiro. The Manhattan march event will speakers on ‘climate change,’ and feature a number of giant movable art installations, such as a 30-foot inflatable life preserver to honor Hurricane Sandy victims; a massive man-made tree adorned with thousands of ribbons; a 300-foot-long banner that reads Capitalism = Climate Chaos - Flood Wall Street; and a large recreation of Noahs ark, which is being hauled into Manhattan this weekend on a flatbed truck. Two days later that show of so-called ‘unity’ in the streets will give way to political discord. The summit, being held in New York, was called by the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, as a prelude to 15 months of negotiations that are supposed to culminate in a new international climate agreement. The agreement is to be ratified in Paris in late 2015. It is meant to replace the Kyoto Protocol, which proved ineffective at slowing what is called ‘man-made global warming,’ partly because the American Congress balked at it and partly because the protocol exempted developing countries from taking serious action. It’s sad to know the future climate and to see so many people woefully unprepared and ignorant of their own planet’s climate. When global cooling arrives officially, in just three years, then that will be that and in the midst of the years that will follow into the next decade those who bought into the lie of ‘man-made global warming,’ will truly wish for the ‘warmth’ to come back. There is no way, if all the world marched for it, that the Earth’s climate will change – as that is impossible. What is possible, and much more certain, is that the Sun’s coming hibernation period (which has technically already started) will cause the Earth to cool down, as it has done before in its climate history – and without humanity’s help I might add. As an astrometeorologist I continue to state that the Sun, that its condition and activity is THE primary driver of climate change, along with variations in the Earths magnetic field and planetary modulations of the solar winds and magnetic fluxes. Our Sun is about to enter a Grand Minimum. I have been writing on this for years now and when that minimum arrives, as the signs of trending to global cooling confirms here on Earth – then we are going to enter a cold age that will be at least a 30+ year break in our relatively warm Interglacial climate era. In short – our planetary climate is going to get colder. The disaster that is coming will be a result of very misguided people who wasted valuable years in preparing for global cooling by involving themselves in the foolishness of demanding ‘climate justice,’ and ‘action’ on something that no one can do – and that is to alter the Earth’s planetary climate. Only the Sun can do that – and does it very well indeed. We’ve been witnessing the trending to global cooling over the past years and most recently throughout central, southern and eastern United States after the brutally cold and long winter of 2013-2014. This was followed by a cool and wet spring season and a cooler-than-normal summer. And, as more proof of the trending to global cooling – the Arctic and Antarctic sea ice extents are growing – and at a very healthy rate. This is the precursor to global cooling that I have been forecasting for years. It will arrive, officially, in mid-December 2017. As northern hemisphere summer ends, the arctic sea ice extent will continue to expand as the arctic will receive less exposure to the Sun’s rays, which are heading toward a new solar cycle #25 which opens the grand Minimum that ushers if global cooling. The outright lie of the Arctic melting continues to be revealed by stunning satellite images that clearly show that the arctic’s summer ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7million square kilometers MORE than two years ago. To put it another way, an area the size of Alaska, America’s biggest state, was open water two years ago - but is now covered by ice. The most widely used measurements of Arctic ice extent are the daily satellite readings issued by the US National Snow and Ice Data Center, which is co-funded by NASA. The measurements show that a region of the Arctic Ocean with at least 15 per cent ice cover was 5.62 million square kilometers. This was the highest level recorded on that date since 2006 and represents an increase of 1.71 million square kilometers over the past two years. That’s a growth of 43 percent. Other figures from the Danish Meteorological Institute state that the growth has been even more dramatic. Using a different measure, the Dane scientists recorded the arctic ice extent area has at least 30 percent ice cover and their results show a 63 percent rise – that’s from 2.7 million to 4.4 million square kilometers. The satellite images show that as well as becoming more extensive, the ice has grown more concentrated, with the purple areas – denoting regions where the ice pack is most dense – increasing markedly. Crucially, the ice is also thicker, and therefore more resilient to future melting. Professor Andrew Shepherd, of Leeds University and University College, London, an expert in climate satellite monitoring, said: ‘It is clear from the measurements we have collected that the Arctic sea ice has experienced a significant recovery in thickness over the past year. ‘It seems that an unusually cool summer in 2013 allowed more ice to survive through to last winter. This means that the Arctic sea ice pack is thicker and stronger than usual, and this should be taken into account when making predictions of its future extent.’ The same goes for the Antarctic. Did you know – that right now - that the Antarctic Sea Ice Extent is 20.11297 million square kilometers? That is 1,535,000 sq km above the 1981-2010 climatological mean rate. And since yesterday, another 58,000 sq km – that makes it the 7th All-Time Record in 7 Days. The new record is 610,000 sq km higher than the previous daily record. We will see expansion in the Arctic during the northern hemispheric winter as the world continues its transition from global warming to global cooling. Anyway, on Tuesday, Sept. 23rd, The United Nations expects to convene the largest gathering of world leaders ever devoted to climate change, and some bold proclamations are expected. Africa will promise a clean-energy corridor stretching from Cairo to Cape Town. Pledges will be made to halve the destruction of the world’s forests by 2020 and stop it by 2030. The World Bank will lead this last gasp, this one big push to put a global price on emissions of carbon. Although organizers claim that it will be the biggest climate march in history; I say that in the final analysis it will make absolutely zero impact on the climate change I’ve forecasted is coming – and that is global cooling. Two day later, the heads of state will join a summit on climate change organized by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. It will be the first time world leaders have gathered on the issue since the landmark Copenhagen summit in 2009, which was seen as a failure. The UN secretary general hopes the meeting will inject momentum into efforts to reach a global deal on cutting greenhouse gas emissions by the end of 2015, at a conference in Paris. In an open letter to be published this week, environment and development groups including Greenpeace, Oxfam and WWF and politicians have joined with trade unions and faith groups to call on world leaders to use the UN summit to take action on climate change. “Politicians all over the world cite a lack of public support as a reason not to take bold action against climate change. So on 21 September we will meet this moment with unprecedented public mobilizations in cities around the world, including thousands of people on the streets of London. “Our goal is simple – to demonstrate the groundswell of demand that exists for ambitious climate action,” they write. Celebrities backing the People’s Climate March include model Helena Christensen, musician Peter Gabriel, actor Susan Sarandon, Argentine footballer Lionel Messi and actor Edward Norton. CLIMATE FACT VS. CLIMATE FICTION Again, I am not the only one who says that there is no such thing as ‘man-made global warming,’ as the laws of physics state that that is impossible to ever happen to the Earth. A paper published in the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society states the same thing and finds that the ‘climate models’ violate the basic physics of the Second Law of Thermodynamics with respect to simulating conventional turbulent heat flow. This is one of THE most important mechanisms of heat transfer in the atmosphere. According to the authors, Numerical models of the atmosphere should fulfill fundamental physical laws. The Second Law of thermodynamics is associated with positive local entropy production and dissipation of available energy. This is that entropy always increases and energy always dissipates, per the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Inspecting commonly used parameterizations for sub grid-fluxes, we find that some of them obey the Second Law of thermodynamics, and some do not... Conventional turbulent heat flux parameterizations do not conform with the Second Law. A new water vapor flux formulation is derived from the requirement of locally positive entropy production. The conventional and the new water vapor fluxes are compared using high-resolution radiosonde data. Conventional water vapor fluxes are wrong by up to 10% and exhibit a negative bias. ...Both test cases indicate that negative thermal dissipation can occur for the conventional heat flux. Obviously, the additional energy made available by this negative dissipation to the resolved turbulence is later on dissipated by friction, so that the total dissipation is again comparable [for the wrong physical reasons], at least for the boundary layer experiment. In other words, the computer models falsely claim that entropy can decrease, heat can negatively dissipate [i.e. concentrate itself], and that additional energy is made available by this negative dissipation . For more see ->> Paper link: onlinelibrary.wiley/doi/10.1002/qj.2404/abstract Schtick link: hockeyschtick.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/new-paper-finds-climate-models-violate.html So, the same climate models that are used by careerists and alarmists also violate the basic physics of both the 1st and 2nd laws of Thermodynamics that have not simply ceased to exist because some people and politicians say that pink elephants can fly which is what anyone who says there is ‘man-made global warming,’ is actually telling you: that pink elephants can fly. The finding is quite ironic given the climate alarmist meme that computer-modeled global warming is just elementary basic physics and settled science upon which all scientists agree. However, it is doubtful that many scientists even know that their ‘holy grail’ black-box climate models arent even programmed to obey the most fundamental laws of thermodynamics – or physics for that matter. It’s absurd. But then again, all you have to do is to turn on your TV to see just how absurd the world has become. My general advice right now is to prepare for global cooling. The fact is that global warming is always good for the Earth, good for our climate and good for people. However, global cooling is not and the blasting storms, the colder-than-normal temperatures, the wet and cold in many regions and the cold and dry conditions in other regions is not good for the Earth. And that is what I have forecasted is coming. Oh, it’s ‘climate change’ alright, but it is certainly not the kind of climate change that some of the crowds and people on the streets protesting and those at the United Nations are saying it is. The waste of resources and most of all - valuable time - of the last two decades – at least 20 years – will have HUGE impact on the facts of life in a colder, cloudier, stormier world. Ive taken it upon myself to make my own preparations and I am well ahead of many people because Ive known about the coming of global cooling a long time now. You see, I forecasted it. If you want to do more than simply go into the streets demanding climate change, then that will mean taking your mind off of what man is supposedly doing and cast your eyes up to the skies and pay much closer attention to what the Sun is about to do. Foretold is forewarned. ~ Theodore White, Astromet.Sci
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 04:44:24 +0000

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