A Personal Tribute to 14th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche from an - TopicsExpress


A Personal Tribute to 14th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche from an erstwhile student. Over two weeks ago His Holiness Shamar Rinpoche, a wonderful Buddhist Teacher and Great Bodhisattava, One of the Two Principal Teachers and Heads of Karma Kagyu Lineage (alongside H.H. Karmapa) of Tibetan Buddhism Tradition attained parinirvana or mahasamadhi, leaving most people who knew him, all students and disciples, in a state of shock, grief and disbelief. My family and I have been fortunate enough to have had several close encounters over last decade with Shamar Rinpoche as Rinpoche was popularly addressed by thousands of students and disciples. We had even made wonderful friends with some of Rinpoches disciples most of whom asked me if I was attending those sermons and teachings at my grandparents or parents behest. They seemed pleasantly surprised upon learning that I was the direct disciple and not my grandparents. He was the first one to teach me the meaning of Bodhisattva and had guided me through some of lifes pressing questions as I went through a rapid transition - inner and outer- and feeling this deep and overwhelming urge to forgo my rather glamorous career and follow my creative and inner calling. He had always put a confused and restless heart at ease with his sharp acumen and clairvoyance, and practical spirituality over the last ten years and when I first met him. On several occasions, he asked me with a smile if I was aiming for Hollywood or Bollywood when I shared with him my creative aspirations, and I had answered with a- I dont know! He in turn would say, dont worry, Youll be successful, just keep working, always encouraging me to perform actions. During the last few years I could not meet Rinpoche or spend much time with my Dharma Family as other responsibilities -personal and professional occupied my mind & time. Plus! I kept missing Rinpoche during Hkg layovers and elsewhere. He had appeared in my dreams few times during the last two years signifying to me that he had been thinking of me too and that I should go and have an audience with him. However, I could not do so again last year and this year despite all good intentions as I again missed Rinpoche due to his hectic teaching and travel schedule. During the last two weeks I did receive some signs that pointed to a significant event of similar nature but I wasnt able to decipher whom those signs pointed towards due to certain constraints. During my last meeting with Rinpoche, over two years ago, I had mentioned about my healing work to him in a hushed tone and he had asked, if I could do a healing for him. I did and then met him the next day to enquire if he felt better. Hed said, he did but kept too busy and preoccupied to focus much on his health. Clearly his main priority was his many students and spreading the teachings of his lineage. Besides, Bodhisattvas ( by definition) despite outward appearance, do not work for the benefit of any particular group or sect, their work and presence benefits all and helps to balance the energies of our environment. Widely recognized as an emanation of Buddha Amitabha, my family and I pray that our beloved Shamarpa/Shamar Rinpoche comes back again soon. Om Ami Dewa Hri. Mani.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 07:23:40 +0000

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