A Plan To Replace The Fed By Brother Nathanael Kapner Copyright - TopicsExpress


A Plan To Replace The Fed By Brother Nathanael Kapner Copyright 2013 Everybody’s talking about ‘Ending the Fed’ but very few have a plan to replace it. First of all, our present monetary system centered around the Federal Reserve Bank is rotten to the core…creating money by book entries, ‘lending’ it to the government, and gouging us with interest. And did you know that the Fed is a privately-owned bank? Greenspan said it himself: [Clip: “What is the proper relationship, what should be the proper relationship between the chairman of the Fed and the President of the United States?” “Well, first of all the Federal Reserve is an independent agency and that means basically that there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take.”] That’s right. The Fed is a private Jewish bank whose principal shareholders are the Rothschilds and Goldman Sachs. And because money creation is in the hands of the Jewish-owned Fed, they got the bucks to buy the courts, the legislature, and all presidential nominees. Monetary reform is the mother of all reforms. Any other ‘reform’ is a waste of time because it will fail without it. It’s time to replace the Fed. Now, Ron Paul wants to “End the Fed.” He even wrote a book about it. But, did you know that Ron Paul and the Fed both work for the private bankers? You see, private bankers don’t really need the Fed. They got along just fine without it for most of US history. What they want is the license to create US dollars. Ron Paul secretly wants this too…he wants money issued by private banks. So, let’s pose a question to Mr Paul: “Will the money that the private banks issue be US dollars? The answer is “Yes”…but Ron Paul has never admitted this publicly. Because if he did his Libertarian base would revolt against him. Now, there are two choices in money creation. Fiat money or commodity money like the “gold standard.” The money we use today is all fiat money. The main reason is because world commerce requires trillions of dollars every day to operate. If we went on a “gold standard” as Ron Paul wants, we would we immediately plunge into a world depression that would make the Great Depression look like a stock market rally. Millions would die quickly. Yet, the Austrian School—which Ron Paul represents—sees this as a ‘cleansing period,’ which is heartless. Their real aim is to throw the government—forced to borrow under “gold-based” money—into deeper debt to themselves, the private Jewish bankers. The right solution is to create our own US Treasury-issued “fiat” money, of which, the Austrian School has given a bad name because it has no ‘intrinsic value.’ But go to Las Vegas and ask any gambler to hand over his “fiat” chips—because they have “no value”—and he’ll tell you where you can go. And dollar bills, although without “intrinsic value,” are STILL coveted as a means of exchange…in spite of what Ron Paul says: [Clip: “If this is sunk on a boat on a ship, now or it was 500 years ago, you dig it up, it has tremendous value, there would be numismatic value plus the real value of gold. This sinks, you put it at the bottom, who cares?”] No way! Nine out of ten seeing a $100 bill sinking into the ocean would dive right for it! There’s nothing wrong with “fiat” money…provided that its volume is controlled for the public…as Japan and Canada once did prior to them bending to the Jewish-run World Bank. Let’s put our money BACK into the hands of the US Treasury as constitutionally mandated and out of the hands of the enemies of Christ. realjewnews/?p=856
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 21:57:14 +0000

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