A Poem by Enoxh (Revised) The wise reformer seeking betterment - TopicsExpress


A Poem by Enoxh (Revised) The wise reformer seeking betterment for all inherits a sad Treasury, a Congress at war to maintain its resident existence. Potential outcomes swarm like gnats and flies in late summer. This new abstract royalty leaves slightly less than half confounded. As though bidden to perform an anonymous census no sudden difference makes clear which path must be undertaken. This bodily commander raised by redundant hardships of the past a polished drama must be unfolded for all to see and hear. His predecessor shrouded by invisible intent leaves the masses to wander bereft and wonder. They sit anticipating the working-class barrel about to go over the falls. Capable liberty held by those appointed gives hope that improvement by sheer achievement holds real possibility. The Racist Politburo bars the way. Progressive intellectuals quest for intellectual conversions as conservative fears shout from the rear. A legacy created by disinterested populations make desirable miracles tempered by experience. And so the fundamental superintendent must climb the formal slope of bureaucracy for without an accurate chancellor each will be a costly lesson.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 23:09:44 +0000

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