A Political Prayer George Washington didn’t just set in the - TopicsExpress


A Political Prayer George Washington didn’t just set in the church pew, but got out and engaged himself in the many battles of the revolution fought for our Inalienable Rights. So why do not political parties engage in prayer as our founding fathers did, back in 1776. If we don’t go to our knees in heart felt humble beseeching for our nation. “Oh Daddy… (Abba Father), our nation is in serious trouble, and “WE, THE PEOPLE” desperately need Your help and guidance! Jesus could have said it something like this, and in the Spirit I believe He did! Let the little ones come unto Me, do not abort them, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven! Let’s take back our political parties for God and Country, and let the mercies and blessings of God be upon the people! Pray for godly men and women to enter the race and pray that they win, so that the Holy Spirit of Righteousness will have a voice in the governing of “WE THE PEOPLE” and that His will in the party be done. Let the Church rise up and say “Amen! We the people are lacking in wisdom in the know-how in the running of a political party; we need thy help and guidance, oh Lord. Let’s capture the political parties for God, for out of them come, the leaders of the nation. So, gather your political cohorts together and pray, pray as you go forth in the political battle for the Nation, for its Godly morality the moral fiber of the people. Pray as though the election depended on prayer, (an appeal for God’s help and guidance) for it does. Let’s turn the political meetings into prayer meetings, let’s start, bathe and end them with pray, just like our Founding Fathers did with Congress, in the days of the Revolution and the forming of the Constitution. For God still works in the affairs of men. Let’s beseech Him for His guidance and help in these crucial elections for our nation’s leaders. This is not political rhetoric, but a grass roots movement. When this comes about, then, “WE, THE PEOPLE” shall have something extraordinary to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving Day! P. S. God bless one and all on this most holy Thanksgiving Day, a day of thanksgiving to the Holy Spirit of Righteousness for our Inalienable Rights. Thank you God! Phillip L. D. Pascoe
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 20:32:20 +0000

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