A Practical Utopian System. One. Currency~ Question: How can a - TopicsExpress


A Practical Utopian System. One. Currency~ Question: How can a form of money provide its people with the tools they need to survive and thrive; whilst recognizing by enriching those that build their own success, yet avoid situations where an individual gains immense power via wealth? (An) Answer: All income is partially socialized with a cap to how much you can have. For example. 80% of anything you make goes to a pool that is Evenly distributed between the populace, the other 20% goes to yourself. There would be a cap of, lets say, Five-Million Dollars, and anything over that would go to the pool of cash. This would work in such a way to stimulate the people in need, while still giving individuals a reason to earn more themselves. So lets imagine what this would do at different modern income levels. Lower classed people would be able to SURVIVE, while still likely having enough left over to go to school, get materials to learn a trade, or simply do as they please. Middle classed people would be in a very similar situation. They would have enough to sustain themselves, and have enough money to explore their possibilities. The only difference, is that they are in a field that just happens to be more outwardly rewarding and have some extra money to treat themselves for the service they do to the people. Super rich. Lets skip upper class because its still similar (Even more wiggle room). These are the people that are hitting the income cap. Lets say you have a business owner whose personal income has gone over the roof. All of this extra money is put directly into the hands of the PEOPLE. At first, this may seem counter-intuitive to the business owner (like charity isnt its own reward psh), but if you remember, he is still receiving 80% of what everyone else makes. When everyone else now has more spending money because of his success, other businesses start to grow, more income comes in across the board, and prices go down due to competition. ~Bit of a note: you can only have Fifty-Million invested in PRIVATE assets, anything over that must be public, or gifted to another person.~ Conclusion: A system that provokes general wellness, rewards the individual, and denies the greedy.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 09:15:32 +0000

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