A Prayer for the New School Year: Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you - TopicsExpress


A Prayer for the New School Year: Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for your many blessings, your love, grace & mercy in our lives! I come to you on behalf of the many parents whose children are starting school for the first time, home schooled, returning to school and starting/returning to college and I ask that you send your angels around, above and beneath them to protect them from harm. Let those that would be bullies be stopped in their tracks.Let your angels stand guard at the doors and windows keeping our babies safe as we send them into the world. Please be a guiding light to them and give them courage to stand for you. Bring to their remembrance what they have already learned and help them to grow in wisdom & knowledge throughout the year. Surround our children with peace, love, comfort and joy! May every thing that is contrary to Your will for their lives be turned for to good, for Your glory and their benefit! Please let the teachers, school staff, bus drivers, food service workers and board members be compassionate, understanding, patient and willing to step up for those in their care, Bless them and shower them with favor! In Jesus name we ask these things! Amen
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 02:00:54 +0000

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