A Prayer to Overcome Anger. I am still wrestling with anger - TopicsExpress


A Prayer to Overcome Anger. I am still wrestling with anger issues. I have wrestled with them most of my life. I have made great strides and went through much healing but I still have a long way to go. I have found, that it seems many times, anger is a protection mechanism we employ that covers buried mental, physical or spiritual pain. One of the most common reasons for anger is often the pain we have experienced of rejection. Rejection can cause us to act irrational or maybe even in an extreme way we wouldn’t even normally consider acting at all. “… Abel brought of the firstborn of his flock and of the fat portions. And the Lord had respect and regard for Abel and for his offering, but… ‘for Cain and his offering’… He had no respect or regard.” This is a form of rejection. Sometimes, we bring the rejection upon ourselves as a consequence of our own actions, yet, somehow, we still manage to blame others for our actions, just as Cain did… let’s continue reading and find out how Cain handled rejection. “… Cain was exceedingly angry and indignant, and he looked sad and depressed. And the Lord said to Cain, Why are you angry?” Notice, he looked sad and depressed, but in actuality… he was angry! Let’s continue reading. “And Yahweh said, “And why do you look sad and depressed and dejected? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin crouches at your door; its desire is for you, but you must master it.” So Yahweh says that we do not have to be ruled by a spirit of rejection, but we can indeed master it. But Cain failed to heed God’s instructions. “ And Cain said to his brother, Let us go out to the field. And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him.” Genesis 4:4-8. We hear about this happening everyday on the news, people killing people over rejection issues. But scripture also says that killing someone does not have to just be a physical act. We can slay someone’s reputation, relationships, self-esteem, or even their careers with the poison of rejection we can spew forth from our own injured pride. Have you ‘killed’ someone over a rejection issue? Maybe caused them to get fired from a job, or destroyed a friendship or reputation? We must master our rejection issues because of we don’t those issues have mastered us! We might think we’re good, and say to ourselves, “I don’t have any issues… no areas of rejection in my life… I’m good!” I would be willing to wager that you are wrong! But the good news is that we can ask Yahweh to expose any areas like that to us and He will. Then we can confront our own weaknesses with the help of The Holy spirit, and we can repent of the damage we’ve done to others, but also, we can master the emotional deficit, heal and move on with a less likely chance of hurting someone else! He will help us. We can start with a simple but earnest prayer. He likes the simple straightforward ones! But I have so much crap in my, I seem to just keep talking to Him. Here is my prayer template. “Papa, please forgive all the areas and incidents in my life where I have been jealous of people, or angry at someone, especially forgive me for times, when I have refused to forgive someone… I forgive them now. Show those people to me and I will call them out to you be name and release myself from this bandage of unforgiveness and hatred. Help me to walk in Your righteousness. Because, if the wind and waves obey you, who am I to disobey you? I want to be obedient to you and Your Word. I want to obey and receive the blessings that comes from being obedient to you and Your Word! If Joseph could forgive his very own brothers who thought about killing him literally, and callously sold him into slavery, then I know that I can learn to forgive as well. Teach me how to forgive and let go of these negative emotions. I don’t want to cling to them anymore. Help me to love my enemies and to be good to those who hate me, and to really pray for those who spitefully use me, and mean it. Papa, I have sown some bad stuff and I do not want to reap what I have sown. Help me change what I am sowing so I can reap a good harvest… a harvest of blessings instead of a harvest of correction. I don’t want the torturers loosed upon me and my life. I run to the cross, Papa and throw myself at the foot of the Mercy Seat! I renounce anger, hatred, bitterness, rage, violence, and all these negative attitudes that become a poison in my own body and ask that You would deliver me from them and place a new spirit in me. I give You permission to write Your laws upon my heart. I want to walk in the Spirit and to inherit all You have for me, Fill me to overflowing with the fruits of Your Spirit! Your goodness, Your self control, Your love, mercy, faithfulness, obedience, Your peace and joy. I don’t want to be spiritually ugly. I lay down my injured pride and ask that You give me Your beauty for my ashes. “Papa, remember when You were angry with Moses? He acted in pride and anger? I do not want to walk in that. I want to be free from all the things that will keep me from doing Your Will. Help me to identify those things in my heart that are not lined up with Your will for my life! Teach me how to forgive all who have offended me. Help me to be quick to forgive .” I want to receive my inheritance. “Father, You know all things, so you know what is in my heart. You have also said that vengeance is Mine! So help me to not be angry or vengeful, and give me the strength to leave those situations in Your hands. Then, I can start working towards inheriting the promises You have made for my life. I do not want any rebellion in my life at all. Help me to purge all unrighteousness and rebellion from my life! I don’t want it, I come out of agreement with it, and I loose it’s hold on my life. I want Your ears open to my prayers and Your hand open to my heart and circumstances! I want to seek and find Your face, Papa. Help me. Papa, I know I done some stupid stuff… I have pushed You and tested You, and Yahshua said, “It is not good to test You!” So, I am asking You to help me grow in my relationship and intimacy with You. I don’t want the fake stuff! Help me to grow in faith and trust of You. Teach me to die to my selfish tendencies and to my own self sufficiency. I do not want to be like King Saul was. You disowned him, because he kept doing it his way, expected you to understand, and he never repented. You turned him over to his own delusions just like you are doing to the church in these last days. So Saul walked in fear, delusion, anger, hatred and jealousy, long after you removed his lampstand. I don’t want that to be my reward. I want to intimately know Your love and to understand Your lovingkindness. I want to experience it with a knowing! I want to be filled with Your goodness until it overflows onto everyone around me! Papa, I’m a fighter, and sometimes we are called to stand our ground. But You said, that the battle is Yours! Teach me, when I am to recede, so you can increase in a situation, and I can grow in the confidence that You will defend and fight for me! Show me how to do Your warfare… where the battle is yours! Cleanse me of all ungodly anger and wrath, and instill in my heart… tenderness, and gentleness. Expose those heart pains I have buried deep and have kept hidden even to my own self. So we can face it head on and with the help of You, Holy Spirit, I can lay the ax to the root of that anger, pain and rejection, and cut it from my life. Papa, help me learn to be an open book for You to read. Help me not hide from you… because in the hiding is where I go astray. Help me have the courage to face all the hurts in my heart and there is a lot of them. Help me to not be a contentious person. While you are healing me, help me to stop projecting the buried frustration and anger at those I love or are closest to me. Wrap Your arms around me and help me to not do harm to anyone. Renew my mind and help me to fulfill your call upon my life. I don’t want to be stubborn so, help me to change my actions to align with Your will in my life. Help me to break negative habits and to develop positive habits. Even simple things like saying hello to people when I enter a room or goodbye when I leave. Teach me etiquette and how to react positively in different situations. Help me to stop and look to You instead of reacting. Help me to remember Your loving kindness and patience, even when I have screwed up, and show me how your mercies are new again, every morning! And teach me how to be the same way towards others! You always promised to heal us when we come to You with a contrite heart! I am bringing all my pain, frustration, anger, hopelessness, sadness and despair to You, for your healing hands to engage me! Father, help me to be quick to forgive offenses and not retain them just like Jesus showed us. Teach and help me to express myself with soft answers. Show me how to react in gentleness towards others, even those who are angry and tormented. Help me to react in love and kindness to everyone, even to those who are offensive and bitter themselves. Help me not to react, but to respond in control. Show me how to walk in true agape love, and how see others through Your eyes. Show me the proper way to react from the outpouring of Your heart. Your Word says to let no corrupt communication come out of my mouth, so put Your words on my lips. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 14:08:03 +0000

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