A President caged by ambition and ambushed by self It is no - TopicsExpress


A President caged by ambition and ambushed by self It is no news that our great country is undergoing serious political and administrative plagues. Just as Pharoah’s actions brought the Biblical plagues that visited the Egyptians, the present rudderless leadership trending in the country is primarily a function of the failure of the President of the republic to act and exercise his responsibility as the Commander in Chief. Admittedly, he apparently did not cause or orchestrate the problems we are facing, but his aloofness sustained them in the first instance and ensured a limitless elasticity for the capacity of nation wreckers to prosper in their devilish agenda. The two major factors that brought us to where we are today are the 2015 ambition of the President and his unpreparedness for the job he is doing. This ambition has caged every other positive administrative acumen of the leader of the biggest black nation in the world. It has created a scenario in which decisions are functioned on 2015 calculations. While the President could claim that he is “doing well” in fighting the terrorism and mayhem visited upon us by Boko Haram, his singular action of traveling to Kano to receive a “wasted” politician and his colleagues amidst the wailing and gnashing of teeth of Nyanya bomb victims emboldened the BH terrorist group into widening its net and harvesting the lives of innocent Nigerians. The only “positive” side of this burning 2015 ambition is that a few charlatans may have been enriched at the expense of the national exchequer. It is clear to every unbiased Nigerian that the President did not prepare for the job he is presently doing. The administration has demonstrated surprising cluelessness in matters that are visibly unambiguous. Nigeria has received more foreign exchange revenues under the present administration than any other in our history based of regime longevity ratio. Unfortunately it has achieved far less than any other. The achievements of the present national government can only exist in the figment imaginations of its “alimentary loading questers” that parade all communication outlets. The President still has a full year to remedy his legacy. He can at least do something we can all point to and say: thank God that a certain Jonathan Ebelemi Goodluck was our President when he has completed his tenure.
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 06:02:49 +0000

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