A President without Balls By femi fani Kayode (fFK) - TopicsExpress


A President without Balls By femi fani Kayode (fFK) 2013 Permit me to begin this contribution by quoting from a portion of an essay wrote by Femi Fani Kayode on 26 September 2011 which was titled On Goodluck Jonathan, David and Goliath. The portion reads as follows- A few days ago from the sacred pulpit of the hallowed chambers of the National Christian Centre in Abuja and in the prescence of the entire leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan proclaimed as follows- I am not David....I am not a general.....I am not a lion....I will defeat the Goliaths in our land. These are deep and instructive words yet I do wonder whether Mr. President understands the spiritual and practical implications of what he is saying. I say this because if he says that he is not a David how can he then possibly slay the Goliaths in the land? If he says that he is not a general how can he be an effective Commander-in-Chief who commands the respect and confidence of his army and his officers? If he says that he is not a lion how can he overwhelm the animals in our jungle that seek to destroy and ravage our land? The lion is a noble and courageous animal that defends its territory, pride and family and protects its own. That is why it is known as the king of the jungle and that is why our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Himself is reffered to in the bible as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. With the shooting and hacking to death of 30 villagers and the burning of 40 houses by fulani gunmen in Shonong village, Plateau state on January 6th 2014, the killing of 91 children by Boko Haram in Damatru a few months ago, the slaughter of 140 Nigerian troops by Boko Haram in Borno state a few weeks back, the massacre of 41 school children in Borno state by Boko Haram four months ago, the burning to the ground of 53 churches in Borno state by Boko Haram in 2013, the mass murder of no less than 7000 thousand Nigerians by Boko Haram in the last 3 years, the burning to the ground of an army barracks with its attendant slaughter of the family members of army officers and military personnel in Bama in December 2013 and the raging war that is going on in the north-eastern part of our country between Boko Haram and our military today those words and that counsel that was offered two years ago seem even more relevant today than they were even then. I believe that the carnage that we are witnessing in our country today has come as a direct result of the manifestation of weakness at the top. When a President tells the world that Boko Haram are his siblings whom he cannot move against, as he did earlier this year, he is asking for trouble. When a President keeps offering Boko Haram amnesty even when they kept rejecting it and whilst they were murdering his people, as he has been doing for the last three years, he is asking for trouble. When a President installs and supports a party National Chairman, by the name of Alhaji Bamanga Tukur, who describes Boko Haram as freedom fighters, as he did earlier this year, he is asking for trouble. When a President announces to the world that he is not a lion or a David, as he did approximately two years ago, no-one should be surprised when his people are killed like flies before his very eyes. May God bring us a real leader that can save our nation and may He take away this one who feels no pain and has no empathy when Nigerian blood, nay even the blood of innocent children, is shed with impugnity. Under the tenure of our lamb President more innocent Nigerians have been slaughtered by terrorists than at any other time in the history of our country except during the civil war. What a mess and what a record. I continue to ponder about one thing though- would the President have been so unperturbed and detached from the whole thing if the children that were killed in their school just a few weeks ago had been from his Niger Delta area. It appears to me that simply because those kids were northerners this President just doesnt give a damn. What a tragedy. Whether christian or muslim, northern or southern these are only children and they are NIGERIAN children each of whom is entitled to the full protection of the Nigerian state. I have said it before and I shall say it again, Nigeria has become an abbatoir of human flesh and blood under the tenure of President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and all those who support him should bury their heads in shame. The blood of all those innocent people is on his hands because he swore to an oath before God and the Nigerian people to protect them from such evil. Permit me to make a painful observation here. I was thoroughly appauled about the fact that when our President was asked about the latest round of killings during his live Presidential Media Chat programme a few weeks back he not only told a lie to the world by claiming that only 21 or 22 students were killed at a time when the BBC and CNN had confirmed that at least 45 bodies had been found (almost 100 were to be discovered later) but he also failed to express his condolences to the families of those that had lost their loved ones. He made the same omission when he failed to commiserate with or express his condolences to the families of the 140 soldiers that were killed in Borno state a few weeks back whilst fighting Boko Haram simply because they ran out of bullets during the course of the battle.. am great believer in strong government and I am one of those that has always believed that President Olusegun Obasanjo was one of the best, if not the best, and most effective leaders that we have ever had in this country. I say this not because I had the honour and privilage of serving in his government but because, when it comes to his record in public office, the facts and figures speak for themselves. Not only are they outstanding but they are yet to be matched and since he left office in 2007 everything has gone to the dogs. Love him or hate him one thing is clear- not under Obasanjos watch would 7000 thousand innocent Nigerians be massacred at will in the space of just two years by a bunch of murderous and heartless terrorists. He would have known exactly what to do and how to do it to put a stop to such callous lawlessness and anarchy right from the start. Equally significant is the fact that such was his love for Nigeria that regardless of the region, ethnic group or religious faith that the victims came from, espoused or belonged to, his response to the terrorists would have been swift, decisive and utterly ruthless. He would have had Boko Haram in shock and awe and the whole world would have marvelled at it. This is because in Obasanjo we had a President who not only had balls but who also had the courage, heart and guts to match them. The fact of the matter is that Nigeria is in dire need of a real Asiwaju to lead her. She needs a man with the spirit of the Jagaban, who knows no fear and who has an iron will. Sadly we do not have that today. Instead what we have is what the Yoruba describe as an olori oko tio lepon. Roughly translated that means that what we have today is a President without balls. May God deliver us from this evil and may He bring change in 2015. May the souls of all those that have been killed by Boko Haram and other insurgent rebel groups in the last three years rest in peace and may the Lord take the leadership of this nation away from the gutless eunuch and give it to a lion king.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 05:57:01 +0000

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