A Progressive Activist colleague posted a video of the Hate from - TopicsExpress


A Progressive Activist colleague posted a video of the Hate from business owners in the Diamond District when a Pro-Palestinian March Chose to target this area. This is my private message to him (names redacted) Dear ______ I just saw the video you posted of the Pro-Palestine March and the reaction they got when they marched through the diamond district. Kind of curious. Ive been to many anti-war marches but none have EVER targeted the diamond district. Is there an Israeli or UN consulate there? Nope. Is there a State Department office there? Nope. However there are a lot of Jews. So this march that claims to only be critical of the country of Israel and not the ethic groups in that country deliberately targeted a Jewish business district to provoke the Jews there. If anyone would march into a Muslim business district or mosque in Queens to protest 9/11 they would rightfully be called racists. Lets be clear this march deliberately targeted an ethnic group not the Israeli government or representatives of any political party in Israel. This is anti-Semitic. I watched the video. No one was being lynched or being called to be lynched. However the students recently trapped in a French synogogue came close to actually being lynched if the police didnt intervene. In the past week another pro-Palestinian March in Boston was chanting gas the Jews. Now I know the good progressive liberal humanitarians organizing these are not prejudiced against any ethnic or religious groups and are only offering a political critique. Chanting Gas the Jews or deliberately targeting Jewish laypersons and businesses who are not part of the Israeli government is about politics not anti-Semitism. This march you participated in is no different than Kristallnacht. Shame on you for posting garbage comparing the War in Gaza which started with Hamas launching rockets to the Holocaust. My grandfather was a Jew living in Berlin who was arrested by the Nazis in 1933. Your are ignorant, anti-Semitic and a total hypocrite in your liberal progressive politics. Just so you know why I defriended you. Take Care and F^@# You!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 19:41:35 +0000

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