A QUESTION & RESPONSE ON ANCESTORS Bhuti Muzi, I have two - TopicsExpress


A QUESTION & RESPONSE ON ANCESTORS Bhuti Muzi, I have two questions that I would like to hear your views on. The first one is about Ancestors, do they live or not do you believe in the and also the witchcraft, does it exist or not? You can answer me on the FB wall, so that others can benefit through the wisdom that God has given you? RESPONSE: Thank You Phindile Nkosi: Ancestor Worship (AW) is a Western idea imposed by those who never understood Ancestor Veneration (AV). Well; last time some clever folk said veneration goes deeper than worship, so what? Ancestor Veneration Therapy (AVI) are practices one performs to find self-healing over the grief from the departed one. Just like 2 people cannot share the same concept of God. 2 people can never grieve or even apply their therapy the same. People should be not be imposed LAWS to deal with their grief. They should be allowed to do whatever it is; to find healing for themselves. Veneration of the dead or ancestor reverence is based on the beliefs that the dead have a continued existence, and may possess the ability to influence the fortune of the living. Some groups venerate their direct, familial ancestors; some faith communities, in particular the Catholic Church, venerate saints as intercessors with God. Check the link below for more information. In some Eastern, African and Afro-Diasporic cultures the goal of ancestor veneration is to ensure the ancestors continued well-being and positive disposition towards the living, and sometimes to ask for special favours or assistance. Ancestor Veneration is as old as human self-consciousness. All cultures practice a form of it. Ancient Near East (ANE) civilisations practiced it long before Judaism. In Judaism it began with leaving a BIG STONE at the grave of the departed one. On WITCHCRAFT: Does it exist? yes & no! We human beings are creators of our own universe! Demons, spells, spirits, voodoo, etc EXIST to those who believe in them and do not exist to those who dont believe in them. Thats why you dont hear about these in much of developed countries. We, Postmodern people no longer pray over food, to cast out spirits, before we eat. We are just grateful for food! THANK YOU!
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 03:11:06 +0000

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