A Question of Beauty One warm summer evening a film decided to - TopicsExpress


A Question of Beauty One warm summer evening a film decided to come into being. A mere vision at this point, it already showed signs of confidence and tenacity. It was very clear about itself; its name, the sound of its voice, its appearance and personality, even the yet to be named members its family. It had a very strong spirit at this tender age, seemingly naive of the fragility of its future. A bold little film indeed. And a patient one too. It did not push itself into the world when it first made itself known. No it did not. Simply and quietly, it waited... For three years it remained unwavered, never forgetting all that it was and all it was yet to be. For three years it waited for the family to come together. Then from Canada and from England, one by one, they came. Phenomenal women and girls - artists and philosophers, mothers and daughters, grandmothers, granddaughters, nieces and friends - goddesses all. They gathered and did what people do - they talked to each other. They shared experiences, insights and insecurities. They asked questions and they offered answers. And the men came too. Fewer in number but no less impressive - a brilliant sound engineer and musician, an old friend of Marilyn herself (yes that Marilyn) with stories of his own, and last but certainly not least, the missing puzzle piece, a gifted videographer/photographer. Now the family was complete. They were not rich, this new family. In fact, they had very little money. But as many families did before them, they made up for that lack with an abundance of love, commitment and passion. The kind that can move mountains, change lives, and sometimes, create films. Even films that have no script. Even films that go against popular formats and the advice of successful production companies. Even films made by people who never made films before. Naivety can breed confidence and tenacity. The film had indeed found its match. And so the family poured its energy and love into birthing a vision that revealed itself three years earlier. The result - an award winning feature length documentary named as it said it would be on that fateful summer evening - A Question of Beauty. A Question of Beauty is a feature length independent Canadian documentary that challenges beauty stereotypes and celebrates women. Presented as being wonderfully malleable and self‐interpreting, the definition of beauty is examined by a cast of twenty‐nine women and girls between the ages of 10 and 78. There is one exception to the “all female” cast; 87 year old Charles Foster who shares insights into the inner beauty of a once dear friend - Miss Marilyn Monroe. Independently produced on a less-than-shoestring budget, A Question of Beauty is the result of a group of people coming together with a shared belief - that beauty is all around us, in a multitude of forms, all valid and all of value. The revolution has begun... Any woman who has - even for a brief moment - ever felt insecure, or ashamed of herself by looking or not looking a certain way, stared too long in the mirror, denied herself dessert or felt terrified at the thought of being naked in front of anyone - those are the women who ought to see this film. Victoria Handysides - Here Magazine _______ FOLLOW LIPSapp Indie Radio _______ FB: r-js/1l5GkXd / TW: r-js/1nG4C6N / Listen to LIPSapp Indie Radio r-js/1l4HI8I. #nirvana #lanadelrey #thekillers #arcticmonkeys #thestrokes
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 22:26:49 +0000

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