A REBIRTH OF ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET NUHU BAMALI POLYTECHNIC, Zaria, Kaduna state Hosts BIT Campus Entrepreneurship Tour (BITCET) on 20th of September, 2014 BIT CAMPUS ENTREPRENEURSHIP TOUR The tour is an innovative approach to student entrepreneurship education which will help to build a culture of innovation and entrepreneurial mindset in Nigerian youths right from campus. BITCET is therefore aimed at realising the sole goal of PrelMedia Communications Limited: to reawaken the spirit of entrepreneurship in Nigerians. In view of this, BITCET brings together Nigerian young CEOs, start-up entrepreneurs, self-starters, their business experience and renowned business leaders to help motivate Nigerian youths in order to impact entrepreneurial mindset in them and to also address business challenges of those already in business in Nigerian campuses; thereby introducing all students to the new life framework, inspiring them to plan, prioritize, and pursue their own vision. To actualize this, BITCET seeks to (1) catalyze entrepreneurial activity on campus, (2) develop and retain a talent pipeline, (3) generate new intellectual property, (4) facilitate an entrepreneurial mindset, and (5) to catalyze the creation of new businesses and jobs for students in their campuses. The tour brings the countrys top young entrepreneurs from colleges, universities, workforce development organizations, chambers of commerce, and many other organizations to help spread the entrepreneurial mindset. BITCET is no doubt the first and only nationwide entrepreneurship tour in Nigeria. This innovative tour will establish in the host school Association of Campus Entrepreneurs (ACE), in order to provide students with exclusive content and a mentoring system to achieving their business goals. This association will serve as a platform for students to generate business ideas, build a multidisciplinary collaborative team, develop a working prototype of their invention, define a viable business model, secure intellectual property rights, and prepare them for next-stage investment-seeking. BITCET provides opportunities and infrastructure to help student-led entrepreneurial ventures thrive and succeed while training a new generation of student innovators. The event therefore will be in session for three hours, and during this time there will be workshops, question and answer sessions, and notable keynote speakers who will talk to students on how they have come far. The vision of this tour is for every student in Nigeria to graduate with an entrepreneurial mindset. The tour events accomplish this vision by exposing students to the entrepreneurial career track and inspiring them to get started right away! The programme seeks to promote an entrepreneurial culture in Nigeria by seeding student ideas across Nigerian campuses, forming teams around projects with commercial potential, and developing teams that can deliver at minimum a viable product, develop a sound business plan, be prepared to pitch to investors, and ultimately launch a sustainable company. We will also build ties with investor groups in future, both at the front end, screening ideas, and at the back end of the process to ultimately fund student startups. The tour outcomes, including the creation of entrepreneurial thinkers and launching companies, are contributing to a renaissance in Nigeria. Entrepreneurial thinking is critical to success in the new economy. Therefore, the future of Nigeria greatly depends on you.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 15:30:22 +0000

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